Listening with Craniosacral Therapy

Listening with Craniosacral Therapy

In Daily life,  most people stay busy, and it’s easy to become distracted.

One of the best things that I like best about Craniosacral Therapy, is that it creates a sacred space for silence.  During a session, clients lay on a table fully clothed, close their eyes, and relax.  Stress is let go. In the quiet of the moment, many layers of consciousness have the time and ability to arise and be expressed.  For many people, this means that they have a unique opportunity to be mindful, introspective and have an experiential of unfolding.  Wonderful healing can take place, along with integration and growth.


I believe that this state of Grace in awakening is always available to us, however; it’s easy to miss due all the things we schedule or how we decide to live.  It is in our best interest to balance action with receiving,  thereby giving us the chance to live in “Being”.

As a Certified Craniosacral Therapist,  my priority is to align with “listening” and help my clients to find their Inner Physician through resonance.  What this means is that I focus on the CST rhythm primarily as it allows me to emphasize around the brain and spinal cord and how they relate to the rest of the body.  By supporting balance, strength, rate and symmetry, the client optimizes through inner dialogue in the moment.  In many instances, one can feel this as the therapeutic pulse picks up and sounds its healing potential.  In other cases, tissues release and energy is flows or an electrical buzz travels under the fingers.  In addition to the CSR (Craniosacral Rhythm), there are so many other things going on that intuition can lead me towards-the beating of the heart, the way the body moves with each inhale and exhale,  the sound that loudens or softens as the body changes,  all of these have a voice that the wisdom of the body is ready to reveal.  By using the fascia and the bones as my prime manual tools,  change is encouraged and a sense of wellbeing is the end result.

Another reason why I recommend Craniosacral Therapy to many people is that it is very gentle.  This type of hands on therapy can be used during pregnancy, right after birth to seniors with sensitive skin and/or health issues.  We use about a nickels worth of pressure until the tissue takes us deeper.  No forcing or tough manipulating.  Yet believe it or not-  profound change can occur through this quiet listening and supporting through the craniosacral system.

If you are needing some help with energizing, or quieting CST is quite helpful.  If you are in pain- helping restrictions or adhesions to dissolve opens the pathways to healthier dialogue.  The body is a whole being and awakening it to its possibilities is exciting as it brings one back to center and wellness.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

614 372-6598

Does Massage Help Alleviate Depression?

Does Massage Help Alleviate Depression?

About 19 million Americans are living with Depression.

Depression is a mood disorder that causes constant sadness and lack of interest in life.  It is often a place of feeling stuck or unable to move forward.


Releasing Pain

Speaking from experience while working with Massage clients,  the worst thing a person suffering from depression can do it to isolate.  Instead, it is best to look for long-term medical treatment from a doctor and a licensed therapist.  When left untreated, depression doesn’t often resolve itself.  In fact,  by opening up to a healthy new way of processing, things can start to look a lot brighter.  Why not ask for help?  

If you are unsure if you are depressed,  ask yourself if any of the symptoms below pertain to you?

  • Feelings of sadness, emptiness or unhappiness
  • Anxiety
  • Changes in appetite
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Physical back pain or headaches
  • Fixation on negative beliefs
  • Lack of Sexual interest
  • Lack of Energy
  • Irritability
  • Angry
  • Insomnia
Massage therapy can be helpful as an additional complementary treatment for Depression.  It is a wonderful modality to add to your wellness plan.

Questions About Massage and Depression? The AMTA’s position based on research can be found at: AMTA Research for starters.  

In my own practice,  I have seen clients find help through Structural Integration, Craniosacral Therapy, and Aromatherapy Massage.  With massage and bodywork, when the tension in the body is lifted, the spirit frees up too.  It’s amazing how much one’s mood can change when feeling better in one’s own body.  Release of stress has been found to  help one to sleep better through the night, balance emotions, and to help feel more grounded and embodies.

If you are looking for a Holistic Licensed Massage Therapist who has experienced working with Mood Disorders, Anxiety, PTSD, or depression, ask questions in an initial interview. Make sure the therapist who works with you is comfortable with working as part of your healing team.  

If you have any questions,  please call Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

614 372-6598

How Often to Come in for a Massage?

How Often to Come in for a Massage?

One of the questions I often get asked regarding Massage-

“How much do I need to come in and see you”?

This is a delicate question because most people would benefit greatly from getting 1-2 massages a week.  Personally,  I know that if I could… I’d get a massage every week, acupuncture, have a personal trainer and a cook that makes organic healthy great tasting meals each day:)  However, many services are not covered by insurance, and many people these days are very busy.

So to be realistic- what I recommend is that one prioritizes time and finances regarding health and wellness.  Some of the ways to look at this are:

  1. Rate yourself from 1-10 regarding your pain level.  If you are in a lot of pain,  you may want to come in twice a week.  Massage and bodywork can work wonders for relieving pain.  The more work you receive, the better you’ll feel in most cases.  Also remember, that while your pain levels most likely will decrease with each session, that if you have been putting off your health challenges for long time, it might take a while to get healthier again. For example- to work with postural alignment issues, count on the basic 10 sessions for a good foundation at 90 minutes a pop.
  2. Finances are an important part of everyday life.  Yet I do see people who go out to eat and drop $75.00 for a meal, but look for the cheapest massage deal they can find.  Remember that you usually get what you pay for.  If you are looking for a professional massage therapist with a lot of experience in bodywork, expect to budget for the best.  After all,  you do deserve to have your needs met, and actually exceeded.  Someone who works at a big office for a low price is usually right out of school and doesn’t have the same qualifications as someone who has been practicing for 15 years.
  3. Often people wait until they are in pain before they get massage.  If you can afford it, treat yourself to some massage and bodywork bi-weekly or monthly just to stay feeling more fit and flexible.  It’s much easier to move back into health when you haven’t strayed far. Being proactive in anything is smart.
  4. Interview therapists.  Each therapist is unique and has an array of different tools that they use to best serve their clients.  Make sure that your Massage Therapist listens well and is educated about how they can help.  Some protocols call for 10 sessions,  some are based on your needs.  But a good therapist will give you a general idea of a treatment plan that you can both agree to.
  5. I often give my clients exercises or homework to do when they go home.  If your budget is tight and you don’t have the means for this type of self-care on a regular basis- make sure you are doing some type of lengthening and opening exercise like yoga, pilates, gyrotonics, Feldenkrais etc…  All of these help you to strengthen your core while releasing restrictions in the body. If you can do both,  that is wonderful.

Your health is important.  Too many people tend to ignore symptoms of pain and discomfort.  Begin listening to your body when you are young.  Eat well,  Exercise, Stay hydrated, and get plenty of rest.  As soon as you start to feel yourself losing balance, energy, or strength, turn it around by finding a local therapist near you to help you feel your best.  Your intuition and self-mindful awareness will tell you what you need to do.


Sharon Hartnett LMT & CST

Columbus, Ohio

Massage Columbus

Health and Wellness




Sports Related Knee Injury

Sports Related Knee Injury

Knee injury is one of the most common sports related reasons that bring patients to the doctors office.

knee injury

knee injury


Be proactive if you feel any pain, notice popping sounds, see any swelling or can’t walk properly.  It is important that you don’t put off getting the proper treatment for knee injury if you want to avoid long-term negative repercussions.  If you are fortunate, with your physician’s recommendation, you can apply basic first aid, and take some Ibuprofen and everything will heal nicely.  However, you don’t have to stop there.  Structural Integration with its fascial massage can be very helpful in alleviating any stress around the knee, the quads, and the hamstrings.  This can be done for minor ailments, or once your doctor recommends if surgery if needed.  The body is miraculous at healing itself.  However, the new tissue that is laid is not going to give you the same mobility you once had in many cases unless the fascia is spread, balanced and lengthens, allowing for more natural alignment.

If you are interested in playing sports and performing to your optimal level,  Structural Integration can be very helpful in supporting you to relate movement to your activities with higher performance.

Working with the fascia can be done starting with the superficial layers to help ease the pain around the joint.   As the work is deepened, it unlocks habitual patterns, and also those that resulted from the injuries.  Often clients feel the positive effects from doing a series of session more than with other types of basic massage.  That is because the adhesions and rotations, once they are released, stay that way,  allowing for more freedom and flexibility.

If you have had a knee injury and are looking for a therapy that can make a difference, call Sharon Hartnett LMT at 740 966-5153 in  Columbus, Ohio.




Healing… How Long Will It Take to Feel Better?

Healing… How Long Will It Take to Feel Better?

Curious about how many healing sessions you need to resolve pain issues?

Well, the truth is no healer or therapist can give you that answer if they are being honest.

What we can offer is that we will use whatever tools and compassion we have to help you along on your journey back to health.  And if you are looking for the best massage therapist, healer, health coach that can help you to re-connect to that force inside of you that can shift things toward wellbeing, the best thing you can do is interview, try new healing modalities, and make a commitment to stay with your own process as you learn from each relationship and experience.





When you interview possible massage therapists, the first thing you want to do is check in with your own intuition to see if you feel comfortable with yourself when you meet.  If his/her presence sets the space as a comforting and an honest environment for you to open up, then that is a good indication.  Next, it is important that you feel like your needs are really heard.  Some therapists have routines and just do their thing.  It is much more helpful to clients if each session is set up as a unique and moment-to-moment type of therapy.  That way the dialogue between you and the therapist is based on the body’s own wisdom to self-correct through positive intervention.  On the same note,  in regards to communication,  let your therapist know what pressure works best for you.  Often the body will say one thing, but the ego has a completely different itinerary.   Both of these need to be alignment for the best results. Lastly, look online for testimonials and google reviews.  There is a huge difference between beginner practitioners and people will experience.  You do actually pay for what you get for the most part when it comes to massage and healing.  This is not to say that you won’t receive a good session from someone right out of school, but they won’t hold the same depth and width of hands on experience.

I have lots of clients who tell me that they have tried everything and nothing works.  Well-  that can be a challenge if the client doesn’t learn and see the benefits of each interaction.  What I can say is that if you are in pain,  that is your body or spirit telling you that something needs to change and your own system doesn’t have the answer yet.  With this said,  the history in the biology has often taken a lot of time to go awry,  it takes time to work through restrictions, compensations and such before getting to the Source sometimes.  Open your mind to new things.  Allow yourself to trust your intuition and the people you work with. With time and patience, and good work- things can and often do change toward the positive.  

Stay committed to your healing process.  Nobody can fix you, but plenty of people and life itself will help you to heal.  Dance in the new relationships you make, and don’t let anything or anyone take you off course from yourself.

Pain is an indicator that lets you know that something needs to change.   Trust what is being created and let go of what you no longer need.  Whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual-  with positive intention- you can find your way back to Source.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

(614) 372-6598

Sports Injuries and Craniosacral Therapy

Sports Injuries and Craniosacral Therapy

Repetitive or Acute sports injuries can take their toll on athletes.

Most accidents only lead to bruises and mild soft tissue injuries, however, about 25% can be serious. Especially in contact sports such as football, hockey and such, more and more athletes are facing PTSD and other emotional stress.


Supporting sport injuries with Craniosacral Therapy.

When to call the doctor:  If you are experiencing persistent pain or anxiety, which is interfering with your daily life, make sure to contact your physician before things get worst.

Once you have followed your physician’s advice, explore some Craniosacral Therapy options as the work can be very helpful.

On a physical level,  Craniosacral Therapy supports the nervous system by directly working with the brain, spinal, membranes and fluid within.  The Craniosacral System has a rhythm that allows the CS fluid to nourish and keep the nervous system balanced.  Releasing restrictions and working to help the body let go of fascial dysfunctions can improve overall functioning throughout the body, reducing pain and helping with other disorders such as digestive issues,  TMJ, migraines, fibromyalgia, just to name a few.  On an emotional level, when there is any flow disruption, the mind can become anxious resulting with tension, headaches, and difficulty breathing. Nowadays, we are hearing more and more about football players ending up with PTSD and other brain disorders.  Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle, non-invasive type of therapy that is restorative and can re-educate clients to feel more relaxed and centered.  

If you are local to Columbus, Ohio- and you have questions about how this therapy can help you, call Sharon Hartnett CST at:  (740) 966-5153.

*For Massage Therapists with Advanced training in Craniosacral Therapy, while they are not necessarily trained in psychotherapy,  if they have studied with the Upledger Institute through the higher levels of Somato-Emotional Release, they can support you to express repressed feelings without judgment or analysis.

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