The Body Knows How to Heal: Loving What IS..

The Body Knows How to Heal: Loving What IS..

To Heal is an Inside Job

To Heal Comes From Within You.  People often forget that there is a deep intelligence inside the body that is alway in motion when it’s healthy.  It’s our Life Force, our Qi.

If you think about it, each organ has an inherent motion, and all the other organs slip and slide along side each other with the help of the many fluids.  Down to the inside and outside of the cells, there is the nourishing  of the various components which are always at work,  joining together, like small streams, to sustain the greater whole.  There is constant communication and transmission of vital information.

So how does one access this deep intelligence?  When something goes awry in the body, it only makes sense, that an outside type of influence is necessary to nudge the system back into a cycle of health.

That’s where mindful bodywork with techniques can help. Depending on the focus, a manual therapist can listen to the body, and support the Inner Wisdom based on the response.

This can be done with Craniosacral Therapy, by a Visceral Manipulation Therapist, through Acupuncture, manipulaton by a Chiropractor, etc… Most of these therapies are complimentary and work hand in hand to heal.

For people who are searching for the best tools to help activate their healing, it’s important quite often to try different therapies, and sometimes even different therapists within a modality.  That’s because each therapy and each therapist’s unique contribution can influence you in a different way.

What’s unique about the Upledger Institute’s Work is that the focus is placed on addressing the Inner Physician.  It takes a deep trust of the Inner Wisdom, for the ego to move out of the way, and allow the melding and healing to run the process.

If you are looking seriously to shift and change your life, discover yourself through healthy relationship.  Interview and question potential therapists.  Trust your own instincts, and the truth for you in the moment will tell you your next move.  Realize, that Therapists can help by encouraging the healing cycle.  But it’s only your Inner Resources that can make it happen.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43031

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Focus on Your Potential: Live More Fully

Focus on Your Potential: Live More Fully

Healing is All about the Potential


Experience Potential from A Craniosacral Therapist Perspective.

Our bodies are individual physical containers.  They are also miraculous living skins with dynamic occurences happening inside of us all the time.

What we are made out of is beyond comprehension really.When we look at the human body, quite often we look from an antiquated view, believing that we are a body of individual parts. In fact, we are living organisms where everything is interconnected and alive with the processes of life. All of our cells, tissues and organs and fluids are inter-dependent for our well being.

Sometimes people come into a Craniosacral Session wanting to know why something happened, or explain their histories, hoping to find the answer. The problem is that the answer is not something we “know” or else it would be done. Because we would all naturally want to be healthy. Right?

Instead the whole is really not completely understood. In fact it is changing from moment to moment. The “parts” are shifting and the container is too. There is a certain mystery which plays its part within all of us. When we can mindfully touch into our core potential though, all kinds of miracles can happen. Everything is touched and changed in an instant.

This potential for healing is found by mutually waking up to awareness.  The sense of “I” and the Unknown make acquaintence and swim through the currents together until they reach shore.  This really isn’t something we can make happen.  It’s instead a question of all the possibilities in life.  Life brings you back into Wholeness.

I have found, that when people come to see me in a vulnerable position, they are often willing to open up to their Inner Potential to see what else is avialable. An open mind is a great place to live in.  This Potential can be physical, emotional, a belief system, heart connection, or spiritual.  

As systems meld and blend, they come together in mutual satisfaction and unity.  When inner resources find each other, something wakes up deep inside.   The little nudge can initiate great change in a person’s inner environment. One of my main hopes in life is that we all self-realize that we are meant to come together on so many levels of living.

This may sound abstract, maybe it is.  But from what I have witnessed, healing comes from two places really:

1.  Grace

2. The ability to enfold into the dynamic change potential of who we are. The more we discover our authentic self through curiosity, witnessing and our experience, the more empowered and wise become.  Throw in a little compassion, and the path becomes more clear, and more easy.

I have also noticed that when we begin to listen.  Truly listen to the early signs, the easier it is to move through our challenges.

The question of “Why” Doesn’t really move us anywhere. Instead, when we fall down in life, dive  it’s helpful to dive into our own potential.  You may need others to help you.  Most likely you will at times, but the “light” , whatever you need on a soul level, is right there, a living potential.  Waiting.  Reconnection is so vital.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333. Worthington, Ohio 43031



Chronic Pain: A Treatment Which Could Change Your Life

Chronic Pain: A Treatment Which Could Change Your Life

Are You Suffering from Chronic Pain?

Chronic Pain is a persistent state  When pain lasts longer than 3 months it’s considered chronic pain.

Chronic Pain shows up in the body in people dealing with; arthritis, cancer & its’ treatments, headaches & migraines, nerve damage, lyme desease, people surviving traumas,  and fibroymalgia.  The list goes on.

I had had clients go to their doctors and the best thing that is offered are medications.  While medication has it’s place and can be helpful, there is also an integrative approach that can be more holistic. Looking at the whole person is key to helping people deal with chronic pain on a daily basis.  Having a healing team to support is vital.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, what we offer is a “Listening” to the Body’s Craniosacral System.  There are rhtyms and pulses that we feel.  Our hands are directed toward toward the key essence places in the essence of your nervous system.  To me, it feels like everyone has a deep well of resource inside that knows how to get the body feeling better.  All it needs is a nudge.  The body knows what to do next.

My job as a Craniosacral Therapist is to support and help your own healing abilities to bring about self-correction and self-healing. Your body on some level has chosen to go awry.  And it also needs to learn to return back to health the best it can in order for you to feel better in your body.

When the internal environment of your body is functioning better through manual work, if opens a window.  But also we must look at other things like life style, nutrition and the external environment in which you live too.  How is your mental state?  Because often people feeling chornic pain are anxious and live in depression.

I really wished we had a health care system that looked at the whole person.  We deserve a better model to really see us and acknowledge our pain.  But even more importantly, we need a team of people to help us to optimize our own inner resources to turn things around.  Begin where you can.

I will say, as being one part of the cogency, that I do see improvement in people who come to see me quite reqularly.  With the somatoemotional support they are experiencing their connection to the whole more fully.  They can feel this mentally, emotioanlly and also physically.

While Chronic Pain is a continuing set of symptoms. Craniosacral Therapy can enhance a person’s wellbeing.  Get support.  It can change your life!

For more information on Craniosacral Therapy, check out the Upledger Page.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. Worthington, Ohio 43031

chronic pain
How to Revive Your Digestion Health: Discover Visceral Manipulation

How to Revive Your Digestion Health: Discover Visceral Manipulation

Are You Experiencing Digestion Issues?

No Relief For Digestion Issues?

There are many digestion conditions that affect adults, and children too. The American diet has changed dramatically over the years, and the human body was not meant to consume the food that is being sold at grocery stores anymore. Reading a label may help but we still have no idea exactly what is being put into our foods. Which chemicals are being added, how is it genetically altered, and how it is being processed is a mystery. So we have that. Our bodies are just not getting the best nutrition they need, and overloads of chemicals,  unhealthy bacteria and parasites can wreak havoc on our internal environment.

Another issue that causes problems in the digestive process is that the organs can lose their motion and motility from unhealthy diets, and also from trauma (like a car accident with a seatbelt pressing hard) or through habitual habits.  The positive response to this though is to find a Visceral Manipulation Therapist from the Barral Institute who use their specialized techniques to help release organs to be freed back into healthy motion.  With a healthy nudge or encouragment, things can start to turn back on.  A healthy organ is living, dialoguing, and sliding against other living things inside our bodies. Functionality of the different digestion organs can dramatically improve after just one session.  Movement is Life!

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I incorporate the Visceral Manipulation into sessions.  With so many people coming in with Gerd, IBS, chronic constipation or diarrhea  and such,  visceral manipulation can be a great resource for healing.  I also recommend seeing a naturopath or a functional physician to adddres the nutrition aspect of your healing journey. Each body is different based on genetics and life experience. You deserve have your body understood and your health issues addressed holistically.  You deserve to take the time to have your real needs met.

Visceral Manipulation is an excellent modality to help the digestion in the liver, the stomach, the pancreas and all the viscera in the abdominal area.  It’s also helful for women’s health issues in the pelvis and also the thoracic region and head too.

If you would like to learn more about Visceral Manipulation, contact the Barral Institute.  If you live in the Columbus , Ohio area, contact Sharon Hartnett CST-D to try a session!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333.  Worthington, Ohio 43085






Visceral Manipulation
What is Craniosacral Massage?

What is Craniosacral Massage?

What is Craniosacral Massage?

Many people call me asking for Craniosacral Massage. The first thing I do is listen to why a person wants to come in.

People speak about their health issues, and often state that they have heard about Craniosacral Massage. Yet they don’t really know what it is. It’s important to me to take the time to explain the foundational basics,  and then to make sure they question and understand if this work is a good match for what they are looking for.

So I do want to start by clarifying that Craniosacral Therapy is not actually “Massage”. Instead, it is a light touch manual therapy with a very different focus. It’s based on the Craniosacral System and how it relates primarily to the Nervous System. Just to name a few, it’s great for people dealing with:


  1. Chronic Pain
  2. Headaches/Migraines/Concussions
  3. Fibromyalgia
  4. People looking for Body Centered Help with Trauma Release
  5. Scoliosis
  6. TMJ
  7. Anxiety

You can find out more on the Cleveland Clinic site:

or through the Upledger Institute.

Also, there is a big difference between practitioners and therapists. Practitioners may have taken a class, whereas therapists going through a rigorous process to get certified through the Upledger Institute are much more thorough and deep into the work.

While the touch of Craniosacral Therapy is very light and simple in a way, there is actually alot of complex anatomy and techniques to learn, as well as taking the time to gain experience in order to become a professional and  helpful therapist.  So if you are looking for a qualified person to meet your needs, ask them about their backgrounds and specilties.

I love Craniosacral Therapy because it can help almost everyone. Craniosacral Therapy is also attentive and gentle-yet profound.  It nudges the body into self-healing and deeper awareness. There are a few contraindications, but for the most part everyone can appreicate a healthier nervous system, more balance and fluidity through their bodies.

If you would like to find out more about Craniosacral Therapy, not craniosacral massage, please contact me and I offere free 10 minute phone consults.


Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

Serving the Columbus Ohio Area

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43085





craniosacral massage

How To Find Relief from Clenching

Clenching: You Deserve to Feel Better!

Is it possible to stop Clenching?

Bruxism is the name of the condition when you grind or are clenching your teeth.  Up to about 30 % of people do this.  Some people are aware that they clench.  And others not.

Clenching often happens when a person is stressed and awake. At other times, the clenching happens while sleeping at night. Eventually it is discovered, because it leads to pain or other issues like sleep disorders, pain in the face, issues with breathing, tinittus, and swallowing issues.

On a personal level,  I began to experience it after some concussions.  My jaw became misaligned.  Hitting ones head can also cause lots of stress when the cranium is knocked around.

I went to the dentist, and she gave me a mouth guard.  It was so uncomfortable I couldn’t wear it. Also, being a Craniosacral Therapist, I knew that it also inhibited the natural movement of the maxilla.  Didn’t work.  I will be honest and say that clenching has caused me a lot of issues.  On the positive note, I can also say that with persistence, one can help to alleviate and sometimes release all the tension contributing to bruxism.  It is possible to stop, but it may take patience to unwind all the causes which contribute to the condition.

Being a Craniosacral Therapist,  I have worked in my own mouth, and that has helped me considerably.  Releasing all the tension around the hyoid muscles is key.  Also working around the TMJ joint.  Above are some pictures to show you the inter-relationship between the the neck and jaw muscles.  The Upledger Institute teaches a whole protocol on mouthwork which is very beneficial.  I enjoy working with people just to see the relief they find with mouth work.

Also facing your stress and anxiety with gentleness, while receiving some help can change your life and heal the body as well.  There are many somatic approaches to addressing the body that are profound and create postive change.  Some examples are Hakomi, SE Work, Upledger SER therapy and such.

Also myofunctional therapists can help with exercises.

Dendending on the stress and structure, it may take time to release and integrate the stressed from clenching.  But there is help available.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43085


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