Bring Back Your Neck

Bring Back Your Neck

Young people and older people are getting forward neck posture. All the computers and the cell phones contribute greatly. But also all the sitting Americans do. It’s not good. If I had to do it again, I’d start squatting and learn yoga or pilates early on. I’d make them a life practice. But life being what it is in our culture- our postures are often misaligned as we get older. But there are things we can do to have more freedom of motion.

In my opinion, massage can help. But someone who specializes in fascia is the best bet. The fascia wraps around and through everything in the body superficially to the deep. From macro to micro and reversed. It’s a living tissue that contains and keeps us alive and in motion. When we nourish the fascia and help it remember its ability to be vital, pain can disappear.

I have clients in their 50’s and on up. They can hardly move their necks when they first come in. They are told it is arthritis. Well, they may have arthritis, but it’s the tissues that restrict or allow motion. It’s the fluids dancing with the structure that makes the change. If things can start to soften, spread and move, the bones can be adjusted or perhaps move back on their own. It’s like a wrapping. If it’s tight and stiff- how does life nourish or relinquish what it no longer needs?

Of course there are minerals, vitamins, PT and other things which can help (all part of the HELP team), but the fascia is key. People, whose doctors tell them it’s arthritis often don’t talk about the benefits of fascial work. I think this is a big mistake not including it in health protocols. In addition, learning Feldenkrais, Continuum and other movement exercises that are gentle can be essential and really help too. People don’t have to stay stuck or frozen internally. At any age, we can make choices that will help us. It may not correct the issue 100%, but it can make a huge difference.

Friends, move yourself in different ways. Be proactive with your health. We all have habits that aren’t easy to break, and when this happens- there is always someone out there with skill and experience who is willing to help. It may take time and patience. Take care-no matter which route you take.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

CST and Energy Healing Blog

How Does Craniosacral Therapy Help Anxiety?

How Does Craniosacral Therapy Help Anxiety?

I could get into the physiology of the body to explain why Craniosacral Therapy helps alleviate anxiety. Instead, I want to talk about gentle touch and listening.

What I have noticed with many of my clients who have anxiety, is that often 1: They were not held much in safe arms. 2. They were in environments where there was lot of verbal and physical abuse. 3. They weren’t allowed to express how they felt. 4. Some type of abrupt trauma occurred.

Most of us have heard of the autonomic response of fight or flight? There is a chain reaction of many responses the body does to protect. And when there isn’t an opportunity to process stressful events, a person often holds the energy of the event/s that brought on the fear. What makes this even more difficult, is when the original issue is not cleared, the way a person interacts can create more examples and overlays of the fear and anxie

I think it’s important to ask- what was missing in those times of stress and fear?

Craniosacral Therapy directly addresses that question. First a therapist brings a neutral presence into a session. A place that feels safe and nurturing. Secondly, the therapist listens and melds with the person as they begin to move through a process that was left incomplete. This is done with gentle touch and care, along with techniques that work to balance the Craniosacral System (CSS). When the CSS is function well, it helps to balance the overly sympathetic Nervous System.

When someone is living with anxiety, it’s important to get grounded, to embody, and to feel safe again. This is done through a trusting relationship, that will bring you what was missing in the original situation where there was a real or perceived threat.

If you would like to find out more about how Craniosacral Therapy can help you-if you are experiencing high anxiety, PTSD, or panic attacks, call Sharon Hartnett for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett 740 966-5153
740 966-5153

The Power of the Witness in Craniosacral

The Power of the Witness in Craniosacral

One of my teachers from the Upledger Institute Posted something about Witnessing, written by Dr. John Upledger. It made take some time to reflect on the how powerful this Craniosacral Therapy is simply by given this person on the table a witness. When he stay by the side of our clients, we bring our presence, our listening, and a person who can witness what may have been hidden in the dark for so long. The body holds cellular memory, and when the Craniosacral System is touched, it realties when it is being held in a sacred space with care. The body responds, and so do emotions and beliefs that arise as a result.

How many secrets need to come to light? And what would it feel like to trust someone who can touch us in a way that we can express all that has been hidden?

Craniosacral Therapists do this by staying neutral.

If you have more question, please call Sharon Hartnett at 740 966-5153.

Post-Op Pain Relief

Post-Op Pain Relief

In my experience of 25 years in bodywork, I have noticed how my clients often experience significant decreases in anxiety, pain and tension after surgery. Controlled Trials have also found the same effectiveness with Hands On Therapies, from what I read in my Massage Therapy Journal. Whenever there are stresses in the body, that limits the healing process. Gentle listening and addressing the Nervous system to calm and work more easily can do wonders in Post-Op people in getting back to their lives. Craniosacral Therapy in particular is very gentle and supports the body to find it’s own intelligence to get well again.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me for a no cost 15 minute phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
740 966-5153

Healing With Heart Energy

Healing With Heart Energy

Most of my practice is based in Craniosacral Therapy Work. I also went to the Barbara Brennan School of Healing for 8 years, and taught there, I have a strong foundation in Energy Healing, and it flows in every session. While Craniosacral Therapy is primarily about allowing the client’s system to navigate back to health, often in energy work, facilitators will see the aura or pick up things with their clients that could be helpful and shared. Quite often when my clients ask me what I see with my eyes open, it is a beautiful green light that is enveloping us both. The longer the connection, the more the color green becomes more and more clear. Also, in my heart, there is often a deep peace. My clients feel this as well.

Anyone can learn how to work with energy. You too if you are open. We are all Energy Beings. We are all Created in Love.

Sharon Hartnett
740 966-5153

Taking Care of Feet with Plantar Fasciitis

Taking Care of Feet with Plantar Fasciitis

Planter Fasciitis involves chronic inflammation of the plantar fascia. If you want to find improved function, Myofascial Therapy along with stretching and better shoes can help reduce the pain. Because this condition is caused by repetitive tension, the sooner you address the issue, the better. Manual therapy can help, especially if addressed earlier rather than later, by increasing the flow of oxygenated blood to the area, softening the tissues and helping to restore structural integrity. This is done by working with the back of the legs and specifically on the foot. Many clients feel immediate relief, but the more severe the case, this may take months. Yet a high percentage of clients feeling more ground and at ease in their feet after manual treatment.

If you re interested in having a session, contact: Sharon Hartnett CST-D at 740 966-5153


The only way that you can remember who you are is by questioning your reality.  We have been taught so many things:  who we are supposed to be, how to act, what to say, what to believe-  but without all of this- who are you really? It's time to remember Love. It's...

5 Ways to Smile

5 Ways to Smile


Lift Yourself Up and Smile

Sometimes, life can get you down. Things don’t go your way. Your dreams fall apart.

When this happen, it’s easy to falls down the spiral. Almost familiar. Yet, our true power comes from lifting ourselves up out the dark and comfortable.

Feeling Good Power can take root again. It is found by choosing Joy and excitement again. Here are 5 ways to help you smile and change your life for the better:

1. Get Outside. Nature if very healing. Allow the sun to warm your brow. Let it energize you. Feel the breeze on your skin, or a cold snap wake you up on a gray chilling day. Pleasure is found everywhere when you open your mind to the outside world.

2. Gratitude- Acknowledge your challenges or your “failures” but don’t put much more energy on that once it is done. Refocus on what you have learned from your mistakes and make better choices moving forward. Find thanks for all the little things in the past opportunities that have reminded you of your own unique brilliance and genius. There is always something good in everything.

3. Be kind to others and yourself. It feels good to be in service and to uplift others. But just as important- meet your own needs in a kind way. Remind yourself to listen to your Higher Self Guidance, and let go of your doubt. Acknowledge your fears-and move right through them with compassion. Treat yourself to things that bring you authentic joy and a smile on your face. Practicing smiling wakes up the Inner Kindness.

4. Reach out to others. Often people who are depressed feel alone. There are billions of people on this planet. Make contact and put yourself out there again. 

5. Follow your passion. It’s easy to believe less about ourselves than to see the wonderful qualities that make up our core. Ask others to reflect back your strengths and learn to accept praise. Take critical feedback as someone else’s view-but not necessarily truth, and something you can work on or not to move forward.

We all deserve to smile. Joy is always here. May you find your smile today and share it with life!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792


Building Self-Confidence

Building Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence is not always easy to come by. Especially if the reflection of you from others has been bullying, putting down,dismissal, doubt, belittling, excluding and such. How does one get to know their authentic essential Self when this is the world in which they live? These negative mirrors are a sense of abuse to the True Self. Especially for children who are so open and ready to absorb everything. Babies and children are filled with such innocence and curiousity. They take what they are given as truth because they are simply born this way. So dependent and needing to be protected. Their tiny brains take in what is offered, and they organize based upon the reality that is presented.  Yet, children grow, and they will become independent.  And the gift of life is that we can change to find our own Sense of Self,  with our own Inner Authority Clarity.

We each have our life challenges. Nobody is alone in this. As we grow, we look toward our parents, our friends, and community to teach us about love and kindness. But this is not always the case. Not in this day and age. We all know this. We turn on the news and violence is everywhere.  So I ask you.  Where do you want to put your life energy?  How do you want to live this life that has been given to you when life is at odds?  Is it in the darkness out there, or in the Light that lives Within You?So what can a person do to overcome all the breaks in trust formed in the world in which we live?  My friend, the answer lies within you, and you already know it.  You just need to start being more aware of what is already present in your life.  There are many people in the world now who are growing in their trust for the One Wisdom, the Divine Light of God.  They know how to do this by receiving “the key.”

The key is to begin to trust your own Inner Wisdom. You know, it is that voice in your head that says,  “this is the best way”. It may say to you,  “take a bath”.  Something as simple as this to relax your muscles and give you some time to empty your head.  As you begin to listen to this “Higer Voice” more often, it will get more involved in more difficult scenerios more often too.  Our Inner Wisdom is always wanting to help us to grow and change, even when we resist the generosity of this Self-Love.  It is an easy thing to do, following your Kind Inner Wisdom, but it takes commitment to break negative patterns of thinking based on earlier relationships.

Often enough, when we have been betrayed or hurt, we decide, “oh- I will do this alone, on my own”.   It’s a strategy. We do this to try and stay safe.  It can make sense for a short time, but in the long-run, we begin to close ourselves in.  We miss out on the reality of inter-connected relatioships both within ourselves and with the outer world.  But- my friends, we are not meant to do this alone.  We are meant to build ourselves up and be involved in creating a great life for ourselves and for others.

In our hopes to thrive, we need to change our thinking.  We have been limiting ourselves and our potential severely.  You  and I were born to greatness.  We are walking miracles happening every moment, starting with these bodies that we wake up in every day.  The Spirit of God, of the Universe, of all of Existence is living inside of us, trying to give us guidance each day to live our best lives.

If you want the best for yourself.  If you want to be strong, creative and a true leader, you must begin to listen to your Own Inner Wisdom instead of leaking it away to Others.  You will know that the voice is truth when it is Kind, Compassionate, Honest, and feels pleasurable.  It will resonate in both your heart and your mind.

Listen to this voice and notice how your life begins to change. Notice the new steps that you feel brave enough to take.  You have the resource inside of you to be a Powerful Presence for yourself and for others.  I want this for me, and I want this for all of you who read this.

If you have been drawn to read this, these words are writen from that Voice that comes to me.  I hope is uplifts your day to know that everything is possible when you begin to Listen and build your Self-Confidence.


Sharon Hartnett Cst-D

703 509-1792





Getting Clear about What You Want in Life

You CAN get clear about what you want in life.


What you need to do first is start by getting clear about your commitment to Clarity.  Set certain times aside for yourself to explore.  This can be done alone, or with a friend, healer or a therapist.  Self-discovery is a very interesting process. It begins by bringing your awareness to your thinking and how it affects you.  Cause and Effect.

Most of our thinking comes from our history and projections into the future.  What we believe about our stories can become very important to us.  And the filters that we now see the world through can be dimmed by repetitive belief systems.  By realizing how we identify with certain thinking patterns, we can change how we experience and create in the world.  Three keys to getting clearer about what matters to you:

  • Mindfulness is key for bringing awareness to thoughts that confuse and that block us from finding optimal value in our lives.  And it is in the quiet listening to our thoughts as they pass through, that we can navigate into the deeper silence.  Without the clutter, things are much closer to the heart and easier to navigate.  Into the “Now” place, life springs forth and life is more simple.
  • Being Curious makes space for new ideas and perspectives.  It’s like opening a door to see what’s next.
  • Experiencing means being with what is here right now in the moment.

Once the mind starts to quiet down.  Awareness can be experienced as more expansive.  We can step out of our normal living box. Perspective opens.  The bigger picture gives us an advantage to seeing things differently and with more clarity.  Experience and centeredness helps us to know what feels right for us.  It helps to define our relationship to the moment.

The mind and its consciousness is a larger field than just one person alone.

There are infinite possibilities.  But with healing relationships, we can investigate truth, and get more clear about who we are.  Our false identities dissolve and life feels more simple, and more restful.  Believe it-  when the mind opens, clarity is a relief.

Getting Clear by reaching outside of “normal” thinking patterns.Reach for the sky!





My job as a Barbara Brennan Healer is to work with your energy. To create a space where we work together to create an exchange that supports your movement into clarity.  A conversation that will set you free from illusion, and direct you into clarity.

Something deep inside of you knows the TRUTH.  And it will set you free to direct your life with more ease.

Getting clear,  that is my goal in helping you.  To help you connect to the authentic value you are here to live.

If you are looking for help,  I work locally and on Skype long distance.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, Barbara Brennan Healer, SI, Reiki, Hakomi, Upledger

703 509-1792 Ohio

Two Hearts Meeting Together

Today, I felt like writing an informal post about Hearts Meeting.  A chat about how much I love my work.  I am so fortunate that I get to wake up each day, loving my family, my home, and my interactions with life.  It prepares me to be able to be in service in the work I chose.  And I love working with people.  Mostly because it opens my heart. And it opens other people’s hearts.



In my work practice, I have clients come see me for a variety of reasons.  Mostly people who are uncomfortable with something in life:  their physical bodies, feelings, unclear thinking or relationships to the spiritual.   I listen.  I take in the story from a neutral place.  And then I guide.  My job is to facilitate the unfolding of my client’s own inner wisdom.  For I am not actually the healer, but rather a facilitator of sorts.  For over 25+ years, I have studied, worked and practiced healing techniques to help myself, those nearby whom I love, and my clients who want to connect with their Higher Purpose.  People who want to feel at home in their bodies, their lives with heart and vitality.  How I do that is by being Present with myself, my client and trusting the process of the energy dynamics.  I center in my heart of hearts.

All of life has a stirring of energy.  It lives throughout all of consciousness.  I know this may sound a little far out for some.  But I feel it in the presence of all living things.  I feel it in myself, and especially when I connect from my heart to others.  I may use energy healing, craniosacral therapy or Hakomi or such as tools, but what deeply matters is that we all are part of a sacred heart infinite web.  Humanity is riding on just one small wave in the Universe, but everything is interconnected.  We are interconnected.  Yet we are also given this gift of discovering a sense of self.  and while there may be many similarities between us, we each have a chance to write our own unique stories.  In this, I find passion and heart.  When I connect with my clients on the table, I love the brain and the body, but most of all-touching from my heart to another.  It is so transformational and healing.

You don’t have to be a healer do this.  We are all ordinary people, humble coming from the same Source.  We all have the ability to heal the soul.  It may appear otherwise, but the truth is that in the little things. we can make huge positive change.  Choosing to love from your heart in any moment is a choice we can all make.  Healing this planet, and all the people here is all about this and connecting to other hearts.

I finish now, with a heart full of gratitude for all my clients, as well as for the fullness in my life.  And I wish you all the same.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, SI, BHSP

703 509-1792