Massage for Mothers Day in Columbus

Massage for Mothers Day in Columbus

Looking for the Perfect Mothers Day Gift?  How about a Craniosacral Therapy Massage (CST)?

What?  You have never heard of Craniosacral Therapy?

Well, if you have not experienced a CST Session then you don’t know on what you are missing out!

Craniosacral Therapy is a light touch form of bodywork that listens to the Craniosacral System that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord and applies gentle techniques to balance and nourish the whole body.  CST can be helpful for deep relaxation, renewed energy, ADHD, learning disabilities, fibromyalgia, MS and so many different afflictions that slow people down.

Massage in Columbus Ohio

Craniosacral Therapy for Mothers Day

Mother’s Day is coming around the corner and now is the perfect opportunity to try something new and feel the benefits of this deep form of relaxation and rebalancing.

For a Cranosacral Therapy Massage or Energy Healing appointment Call: Telephone: (614) 372-6598

$10.00 off for anyone who calls before Mothers Day 2013!

For more on Craniosacral Therapy,

A Massage for the Body Helps Clear the Mind

A Massage for the Body Helps Clear the Mind


When you have a massaged relaxed body,  it is easier to be happy and find inner joy Within.  At Lighten Up Therapies, our intention is to help you to Lighten Up the Body, Mind & Soul Connection.

The body is the doorway to transformation in many ways.  Craniosacral Therapy and Structural Integration Massage support increased vitality, opened awareness, and deeper feeling of ease and joy. 

Massage in Columbus


We are all human beings sharing in the human experience.  The more that we acknowledge what is and learn to accept each other as we are, the more peace can permeate life here on earth.

Taking care of the human body, relationships and seeing the light in each other is the pathway to evolution of the Human Spirit.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Sister site:


Holistic Massage Awakens the Life Within

Holistic Massage Awakens the Life Within

The Holistic Massage Approach…

When I work with clients, I don’t like to focus on only one muscle to relieve pain.  I prefer to look at the person as a whole being.  As with the tree below, if  the leaves don’t look healthy, one has to look to the soil, the environment,  or any cause that might contribute to disease or impairment. For the tree’s health, one must examine the trunk and the branches as well to determine how best to treat the whole organism. Similarly with the human body,  when groups of muscles are sore, weak or in pain, that is a signal that a whole body approach to healing is needed for longterm health.  The pain may be relieved after a session, but would  most  likely  show up again without a holistic understanding and treatment of the dysfunction.

Listening to the body and following its cues is very helping in resolving many health issues.  The body’s wisdom is constantly revealing what needs to happen in order to heal most efficiently. If followed and treated with skill, many pain conditions can improve dramatically. When you are looking for real pain relief, allow yourself at least  a few sessions to correct misalignment and imbalances that have been contributed to a pain pattern.  It takes time to disorganize and create habitual disorder and it takes time to self-correct.

Craniosacral Therapy
Massage in Columbus


Working with Structural Integration and Craniosacral Therapy,  the therapist is trained to work closely with the signals that communicate what kind of massage therapy is best suited to enhance functional integrity.   At Lighten Up Therapies, we want you to feel more alive and active in your life.  We trust that your your body is an intelligent aspect of you that has much to offer through dialogue in bringing you into wellbeing.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

Massage in Columbus and Grounding

Massage in Columbus and Grounding

Often people will speak about grounding and yet there is no great definition for what that means.

How do you interpret “Grounding”?  Is it a thought?  Is it a feeling or a sensation?

Mind Body Spirit



At Lighten Up Therapies, the interpretation that we take of grounding is that of “feeling alive in ones body”.

How does one feel vital and strong?

Mindfulness is key to revitalization and restoration.  Have you ever had a massage and the simple act of being rubbed and touched left you feeling more connected and relaxed.  Yet at the same time…more energy is being transmitted up and down the body and throughout the cells and tissues.   Touch reminds the body of new movements and opens up the fascia to enhance flow.The transportation of nutrients being delivered and the removal of waste keeps the body nourished and maintained.  The nervous system is recharged and the muscles feel deeply relaxed.  Many different levels of our anatomy and physiology are positively affected through ongoing massage.

During a massage session, many clients will fall asleep and that can be wonderful.  At the same time, there is also a good opportunity to learn to maintain the benefits by bringing attention to what is organically showing up during the session instead.  When clients resource differently with attention, new choices may be made that will actually help the body shift in more efficient movement.

Either way, take some time out of your day to find your grounding.  If massage isn’t an option,  try walking in nature with inward awareness.  Breath in the air and notice how it moves through you and supports you.  Pay attention to how your feet hit the ground and feel your alignment in relationship to gravity.  There are many ways to nourish with mindful awareness.  Find your unique technique to help you feel enlivened and fulfilled.

Sharon Hartnett LMT


Find a Structural Integration Therapist in Columbus

Find a Structural Integration Therapist in Columbus

Looking to find a Massage Therapist for Structural Integration (SI) in Columbus, Ohio?

You have come to the right place.  Sharon Hartnett LMT has over 17+ years doing Structural Integration Therapy.  In the late 1990’s she found a local Rolfer in Mclean, Virginia who introduced her to the 10 series.  She fell in love with the positive postural changes and increased movement in her body that she decided to study Structural Integration herself.  She has been providing SI sessions with clients ever since.

Sharon Hartnett, Structural Integration

Relieve Chronic Pain and Find Better Posture

Learn how  Structural Integration Developed

Dr. Ida P. Rolf, a pioneering biochemist began to develop Rolfing in the 1930s after suffering from spinal arthritis. The direction of her work was focused on the role of fascia and unwinding tension patterns around muscles and joints in order to release pain and discomfort. While working in the 1960’s teaching her fascial work at the Esalen Institute in California, the term “Rolfing” was coined.   Her original thinking and experience of manipulating the connective tissue brought students from around the world.  She taught these practitioners how to support the body to function efficiently so that the force of gravity could flow through and support both the form and functioning.   Soon later, the Rolf Institute was found.  And as with most great work, different schools have branched out, extending the original work with same intention and yet with individualize perspectives.


Why Structural Integration Therapy?

Structural Integration is a system of bodywork that will encourage the body back into alignment and structural integrity.  Clients walk away feeling more freedom in their movement, a sense of lightness, greater flexibility, relief from chronic pain and more energized.  The Structural Integration model views the person as a whole that is self-regulation and self-organizing.  Between sessions, clients are given exercises to help them continue their work out into the world.  the body knows where it needs to go in order to find maximum motion.  It just needs to be re-edcuated how to do that so it can relate more optimally in fluidity.  After 10 sessions, clients take time to allow the work to continue and integrate with better posture.


Is Structural Integration Uncomfortable?

When you go to visit any type of bodyworker and therapist, it is a good idea to communicate your needs right from the start.  The therapist has tools and experience working with clients, but ultimately the client benefits the most by expressing what his/her level of  tolerance to pressure.  Each person is unique in how they like to be touched.  What Sharon does is ask,  “If you can feel the sensations and feelings that arise during the session without having to tighten or react, than allow yourself to do that.  However, if anything hurts or feels like it is too deep, please say “stop” or “lighten up”.  The client’s wishes are always respected.  With this said, often the fascia has historically tightened up in areas of the body around dysfunctional patterns.  There are time when that tissue is lengthened it will be uncomfortable.  Most clients though are so happy with the results and reconnection to their body’s that they return over and over with relief and commitment to themselves.


Is Structural Integration for Me?

Sharon offers free 15 minute telephone consults to answer your questions:  703 509-1792

Serving the Eastern side of Columbus, Ohio






Aromatherapy Massage for PMS

Aromatherapy Massage for PMS

Aromatherapy for PMS

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) affects a great number of woman. For each person, the commencing wave of hormonal changes during the start of ovulation cycle brings a different experience, but what many women find in common is the predictable pattern of mood swings, food cravings, tender breasts,loss of libido, irritability and depression. Let’s face it, PMS  doesn’t make a happy few days for the woman going through these swings nor for the people around her.

Nothing has been proven to completely eliminate all of the symptoms of PMS, but there is help.  One of the things I recommend is an Aromatherapy Massage.  There are essential oils that can be very balancing and comforting during these sensitive times. Depending on whether the moods or symptoms are weepy or angry, bloated or low in energy, a formulated mix can be designed for you.  Some of the oils that may be used are:  Grapefruit, Rose, Chomile, Nutmeg, Clary-sage, Bergamot, Geranium and Dragon Time™.  If you have a Licensed Massage Therapist who has some background in Aromatherapy, call in advanced to see if she can create a unique blend for your symptoms.  During the massage, the essential oils can be massaged into your abdomen, lower back, buttocks, chest and hips to relieve discomfort.

One of my favorite blends that clients often like is Dragon Time™.  I order it through Young Living Oils, a company selling high grade therapeutic oils. Dragon Time™is a blend of calming and soothing essential oils, including clary sage, which contains natural phytoestrogens, estrogen-like chemicals found in plant foods such as beans, seeds, and grains.  It also contains the following oils which are very balancing: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), marjoram (Origanum majorana), yarrow (Achillea millefolium), and jasmine (Jasminum officinale).

Aromatherapy Massage

Alleviating PMS symtoms.


Clients often feel much more relaxed and stable after an aromatherapy massage.

Other strategies that may help relief the stress of PMS:

  • Eat less salt to help decrease bloating and fluid build-up.
  • Limit sugary and high fat foods
  • Eat an overall healthy diet including high-fiber foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables and calcium-rich foods like low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese.
  • Low impact physical activity
  • Cut down on caffeine
  • Eliminate Alcohol from the diet
  • Talk to someone about what you are feeling

While Premenstrual Syndrom is part of life, don’t let it stop you in your tracks.  Self-care and attention can only help.

For more information on Aromatherapy Massage in Columbus Ohio, call Sharon Hartnett at: 740 966-5153


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