How to Live Well With a Positive Intention of Mutual Connection

How to Live Well With a Positive Intention of Mutual Connection


Human Mutual Connection

Connection is so important. You know that you were never meant to be alone, right?  Not in your life. With close to 8 billion people on the planet, there are too many of us to ignore or to be totally isolated unless very difficult circumstances lock you up.

Isolation though can feel brutal.  When you feel cut off from resources,  that can feel painful.  Right?

There are an estimated 4 million teenagers who are depressed. 280 million people across the globe. People who feel this way don’t usually feel supported and nurtured in their relationships. We have to start considering how this can be when we are surrounded by so many beautiful humans and such a grand planet.

As a Craniosacral Therapist and Energy Healer for close to 30 years, I have seen many people who are full of anxiety, depressed and really struggling.  As a manual bodyworker, it’s not my job to be a psychotherapist. Although I have a 2 year Hakomi Training background (body centered psychotherapy), Somato Emotional Release training and Trauma Training.  With all the people I have met, my education and experience has taught me how to listen and support a person when feelings come into a session.  It’s clear to me that we have to make more of an effort to help each other feel, “in connection”.

It is vital that we feel connected to ourselves first, and then also to others.  We are part of an interconnected web of life.  Nothing escapes us, and we don’t escape life- even when we try.

So to feel connected, we have to bring our awareness to ourselves. It behooves us to question and discover,  “Who Am I”?.  Next we have to ask how to connect to our deeper resources and qualities.  Breathe into our cells and wake up the Inner Wisdom.  Thereafter, as we discover what’s inside, we can begin to take new actions to build connections that are meaninful.  Facilitaton with an experienced guide is very helpful.

As a Craniosacral Therapist, I do this by helping people connect most often internally through the Craniosacral System. This is so nourishing to the nervous system.  Quite often people deeply relax and feel more whole and full.

Usually people tell me that this therapy helps them. Whether they are quiet during a session or when they talk- this works help them to form healthier relatioships in many areas of their lives.  When they find and anchor into their deepest calm and they feel free to process through manual bodywork, great shifts can happen.

I love doing Craniosacral Therapy Work.  It’s the way I help in the world. Also, I want to encourage others to make fresh efforts to make a connection with someone new.  Especially if that person is always alone or needs help.  We all need each other really.  What a great difference we can make on this planet if we cared a little bit more and made a postitive heart centered effort.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43031


Breathe: Easy Fix to Feel Better.

Breathe: Easy Fix to Feel Better.

Breathe Through It. An Easy Way to Begin Self-Care

Some people have to work three jobs to make things work. They hardly have the time to breathe or think about “Self-Care”.  Others are focused on Success and they keep pushing theselves past many personal boundaries until they are stressed and  exhausted.  Then there are those who just never learned that relaxation and rest is “Needed” and “Essential” to staying healthy.

We live in a society that is all about the “push”. Of course there is a place for this.  However, there is also the other side to this equation. There needs to be a place where and when it’s just fine to do nothing but breathe and take a break. A long and luxurious moment of “nothing”.  We also need to find a way to build healthy relationships with friends and family.  Life is meant to be enjoyed.

Our bodies can revve up too much though and our nervous system takes a hit.  Eventually excess stress can lead to sleeping trouble, lack of focus, skickness and headaches,  and chronic pain.  The list goes on.

If you are reading this, perhaps you are one of those people who feel like your nervous system has forgotten how to calm down.  Perhaps you feel like you have no options but to work work work. There’s too many things that must be done.

I’l like to suggest that taking moments, precious moments with mindful care can be a good beginning.  If you are running around on high drive, take a moment every hour to go inward and breathe through your nose.  Begin to connect with yourself over prioritizing everything that must be done. Mindfulness in the moment can nourish and remind you of  your true life work. It helps to awaken the resources and interconnection  inside and out. It may remind you that there is another reality possible where you can move through life more easily and with support.

Once you have established a positive habit of breathing with awareness and centering, start to extend that time longer and longer. Thereafter, begin to notice how things in your life begin to change. Taking care of yourself is an inside job, and all this takes is intention. When we take the time, as a priority, to get centered, things change. Believe it or not, each and every one of us holds wisdom and life purpose.  Begin by giving yourself the gift of time and self-realization. Empowerment begins by knowing yourself.  .

Breathe and Boost Your mood and Deepen into Relaxation.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43085






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Wake Up Your Mindful Authentic Sense of Self.

Wake Up Your Mindful Authentic Sense of Self.

Increase Your Authentic Self-Awareness…

Kind of an odd Meme Picture Below about Being Yourself  by being Authentic.  However, it sort of touched me today. How many times do we take on roles or present ourselves differently in order to keep attachments? When is this healthy, and when is it not?

After practicing Hakomi for so long with my clients, I have entered into the jive of staying “mindful” on a daily basis. It’s the best way I know to live in my passion and to understand my deepest dynamic Self.

What “mindfulness” means to me is bringing awareness to my personal experience. Observing the happening of the moment this way helps me to be more clear, and more aligned with the True Self.  It also helps me to navigate my response to life more easily.

This is so important because mindfulness gives us an enhanced toolbox so that we can interact with life in a more authentic way. We stop getting so wrapped up in what others think about us. Rather we make ourselves at home inside our own Self, changing and growing in more expansiveness and confidence.

If you find yourself entangled in a lot of dramas. If you feel lost sometimes. The key to finding your authentic self is through mindful exploration.  You can do this yourself easily by just practicing creating space for yourself.  You deserve this understanding and love.  You deserve to feel anchored into the Center of your Being. Get Crazy. Have fun. Live your thread with wild abandonment!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
Craniosacral Therapist & Visceral Manipulation 
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085





Ssh! Freedom is found in the Silence

Ssh! Freedom is found in the Silence

Adyashanti on His Silence Quote

Silence. We can search for the meaning of life in our actions, as well as in our outside experiences. However, nothing true can really be found there. Only half truths.  Or shades.

I love this “Silence” quote from Adyashinti because it really strikes home with me.  When I drop my thoughts and my mind quiets down, it’s like the arrival of magic and mystery rolled in together.  There is no stress.  There is no distortion.  It’s emptiness and breath arising.

Often when we start on a spiritual path, the “seeker” in us shows up.  It looks all over for the answers. Glimpses of the Glory will appear and the intrigue takes us farther.  But after a long road, the path finally begins to dissolve, and there is no where else to go.

Have you ever felt totally free, and alive?

How does one describe effortlessness and ease in the nothing?

How does the crumbling of your story feel?

Life is so fun and interesting!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333 Worrthington, Ohio 43085





Give Yourself the Best: Why Not?

Give Yourself the Best: Why Not?

,What is the Best Life You Can Live?

First, in your best life,  you would have to know what you want, and what you deserve. I am not necessarily speaking about material things, although those can be part of the equation. But those things are the afterthought.

What truly matters for you when you get down to the nuts and bolts? Imagine in the future, after a life well lived. What would be the most important thing on your mind and in your heart when you look backwards? What made that heart of yours transform into something better, more vital and full of love?  What experience made your heart feel like singing?

In this physical life, it is true that we need the basics to exist. We need food, water, a shelter and such. But the next stage after existence leads us more into passion and into healthy relationships.  We all deserve more than just existing. Although to exist is a priviledge indeed.

As people, we have the potention to sense and to feel so many things. The significance is in the experience which brings us more meaning. Much more than any objects beyond what it takes for us to live in sustainability. It’s in our growth through reaching out, learning and taking the essence of life back into our deepest core where we stir the deepest internally.

This is a short post, an invitation, to remember to question values and what contributes to living the best life one can. While life circumstances help shape us, it’s up to us, through intention and our choices and actions, where we will end up, and how we decided to live. What can be better than to Live Our Best Life. Knowing that we always have a choice.

Your best life is right now. Take that mountain of past experiences, and chose wisely your next step. At the end, that is what will count. That is what we will remember in the end when we leave with nothing else.

Joy to you!  Some poems about life.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333

Worthington, Ohio 43085



Focus on Your Potential: Live More Fully

Focus on Your Potential: Live More Fully

Healing is All about the Potential


Experience Potential from A Craniosacral Therapist Perspective.

Our bodies are individual physical containers.  They are also miraculous living skins with dynamic occurences happening inside of us all the time.

What we are made out of is beyond comprehension really.When we look at the human body, quite often we look from an antiquated view, believing that we are a body of individual parts. In fact, we are living organisms where everything is interconnected and alive with the processes of life. All of our cells, tissues and organs and fluids are inter-dependent for our well being.

Sometimes people come into a Craniosacral Session wanting to know why something happened, or explain their histories, hoping to find the answer. The problem is that the answer is not something we “know” or else it would be done. Because we would all naturally want to be healthy. Right?

Instead the whole is really not completely understood. In fact it is changing from moment to moment. The “parts” are shifting and the container is too. There is a certain mystery which plays its part within all of us. When we can mindfully touch into our core potential though, all kinds of miracles can happen. Everything is touched and changed in an instant.

This potential for healing is found by mutually waking up to awareness.  The sense of “I” and the Unknown make acquaintence and swim through the currents together until they reach shore.  This really isn’t something we can make happen.  It’s instead a question of all the possibilities in life.  Life brings you back into Wholeness.

I have found, that when people come to see me in a vulnerable position, they are often willing to open up to their Inner Potential to see what else is avialable. An open mind is a great place to live in.  This Potential can be physical, emotional, a belief system, heart connection, or spiritual.  

As systems meld and blend, they come together in mutual satisfaction and unity.  When inner resources find each other, something wakes up deep inside.   The little nudge can initiate great change in a person’s inner environment. One of my main hopes in life is that we all self-realize that we are meant to come together on so many levels of living.

This may sound abstract, maybe it is.  But from what I have witnessed, healing comes from two places really:

1.  Grace

2. The ability to enfold into the dynamic change potential of who we are. The more we discover our authentic self through curiosity, witnessing and our experience, the more empowered and wise become.  Throw in a little compassion, and the path becomes more clear, and more easy.

I have also noticed that when we begin to listen.  Truly listen to the early signs, the easier it is to move through our challenges.

The question of “Why” Doesn’t really move us anywhere. Instead, when we fall down in life, dive  it’s helpful to dive into our own potential.  You may need others to help you.  Most likely you will at times, but the “light” , whatever you need on a soul level, is right there, a living potential.  Waiting.  Reconnection is so vital.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

6797 N. High St. #333. Worthington, Ohio 43031



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