3 Big Benefits of Receiving Structural Integration Therapy
How Structural Integration Chose Me.
The miracles of fascia work.
Structural Integration really helped me when I was in my 30’s after having children. My body was so out of alignment, especially after carrying children on my hip and bending over so much. The smartest thing I did was to find a local Rolfer. After 10 sessions, I felt so much longer and spacious, I decided to study it with another local teacher, John Latz for 18 months.
When I lived in the Washington DC area, and Florida, I had a wonderful private practice where I did mostly Structural Integration for many years. Eventually though, as I began to get older, I decided to move more into the Craniosacral Therapy because it’s easier on the body. What I liked about this transition is that both consider the fascia and have similar benefit, but the technques are different. Also, neither are truly considered massage, but instead manual therapy with their own unique perspective to healing.
For about the last 15 years, I have lived in the Columbus, Ohio area, and my primary focus is the Upledger Craniosacral Sessions. However, I still take into account the perspective of structural integration and stacking the body in alignment with the efforlessness of gravity consideration. Also, by addressing imbalances in posture, through the series, even with a gentle approach, it helps to reduce strain on muscles, joints, ligaments and lends to comfort in daily living. By working with the fasica, both in SI work and Craniosacral Therapy, we can help release restrictions, and unzip the body into new possibilities.
Three benefits I see often are:
1. More energy
2. Better Balance
3. Improved Circulation and Motion
I believe that fascia is an incredible system that is still being uncovered and understood. However, therapist have known this for a long time. We have witnessed the strength and power of change with the fascia over and over again.
As I stated, I no longer do primarily Structural Integration, but I do “integrate” it into my Craniosacral Work. It’s much more gentle, and more inclusive with its attention on the Craniosacral System and the rhthym. I do sort of a combination with the fascial awareness. It’s all about letting go of stress can creating a better environment for healing.
If you would like to find out more about how I work, I do offer a free 15 phone consultation. 703 509-1792
Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792