What is SomatoEmotional Release (SER)?
Many clients who come in for Craniosacral Therapy ask about SomatoEmotional Release (SER). They have usually heard from their friends or associates how much better they feel after a few sessions. Yet they are not quite certain what SER is. So in order to educate...
Flu or Cold this Season?
Should you come in for a massage when you are experiencing a flu or cold this season? I love working with my clients. Truly I do. My work and the people I touch bring so much light into my world. But I am always astonished that some of them come into the intimate...
Working with Fascia
EDUCATING PEOPLE ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF FASCIA TYPE OF THERAPY by, Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST 703 509-1792 I have been working with Fascia as a primary type of massage for about 17 years. One of the most difficult things about this incredible type of work is...
Moved my Massage Practice to Johnstown Ohio
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) Massage Well, I finally decided to stop making the drive to Upper Arlington and to focus my Massage Therapy practice to Johnstown, Ohio. So Johnstown residents, and surrounding areas... you have a new Craniosacral Therapist in town. In...
Basics about Your Nervous System
What is the Nervous System in Human Beings? The nervous system is a complex and intricate network that is set up to help facilitate informational dialogue and exchange within you and throughout all the relationships around you. The Nervous System consists of...
What is a Stillpoint?
The Benefits of a Stillpoint As taught by the Upledger Institute, the Craniosacral System is a semi-closed hydraulic system that is held within the membrane of the Dura, which contains the brain and the spinal cord. The functioning aspect of this system that...
Recharge with Craniosacral Therapy
In order to best help my clients to recharge, I ask them to get involved in their Craniosacral sessions by bringing self-awareness to their bodies with mindfulness. Most people are so busy with their days, they forget to pay attention to their body signals that tell...
When Not to Get a Massage:Contraindications
Usually I write about all the Great REASONS why Massage can benefit you. Lighten Up Therapies: Massage Columbus Ohio 740 966-5153 Today, I am going down the other lane to explain that there are some contraindications that are useful to know regarding massage,...
Healing a Workplace Injury
Nonfatal injuries that occur in the workplace keep many employees away from the job. Traditional medical approaches such as medication, surgery and physical therapy may not totally support the recovery of a workplace injury. Most Massage Therapists that I have spoken...
Why Craniosacral Therapy Works
I am not going to get into the physiology of Craniosacral, but rather focus on the experience. When one thinks about life, there are absolutes and there are relative positions. Absolutes are either all or nothing. It's not easy for us to live in absolutes. From...