Neck Pain Relief with Myofascial Massage
Neck Pain can occur for numerous reasons. It could be the aftermath effect of an accident, poor postural strain, a pinched nerve or the result of an illness. Whatever the reason for your pain and discomfort, what matters most is finding the best method that will work...
Feeling Stressed Out?
Feeling stressed out by life? Everyone feels stressed out at least occasionally. Through all of life's cycles, growth opportunities pop up presenting us with challenges that push against our boundaries. This can make us feel uncomfortable or stressed out. Fortunately,...
Somato-Emotional Release
What is Somato-Emotional Release (SER)? SER begins with an atmosphere of trust, respect, and gentle touch. Often when I work with clients for a period of time, long-held negative beliefs and residual trauma energy can start to come to surface. This may be a small...
Myofascial Release for Sports Performance
Myofascial Release therapy is focused on the attention given to improving the posture and flexibility in the body. Who can benefit from this type of work? Myofascial Massage is very beneficial for chronic pain issues, body imbalances, as well as people suffering from...
Listening with Craniosacral Therapy
In Daily life, most people stay busy, and it's easy to become distracted. One of the best things that I like best about Craniosacral Therapy, is that it creates a sacred space for silence. During a session, clients lay on a table fully clothed, close their eyes, and...
Do You Want to Move Forward?
In this post, I want to share my personal experience in what has helped me to move forward in life... When I first began to questions my existence and purpose as a young adult, I headed myself over to a psychotherapist. My life was good, on the outside...
Does Massage Help Alleviate Depression?
About 19 million Americans are living with Depression. Depression is a mood disorder that causes constant sadness and lack of interest in life. It is often a place of feeling stuck or unable to move forward. Speaking from experience while working with Massage...
Peace Revolution: A World without Stress
How can we change the stress level of our world? Today I was reading a blog that I found very interesting speaking about the way our children learn. The primary point was that the author wants to help children to stop becoming information storage containers and to...
How Often to Come in for a Massage?
One of the questions I often get asked regarding Massage- "How much do I need to come in and see you"? This is a delicate question because most people would benefit greatly from getting 1-2 massages a week. Personally, I know that if I could... I'd get a massage...
Sports Related Knee Injury
Knee injury is one of the most common sports related reasons that bring patients to the doctors office. Be proactive if you feel any pain, notice popping sounds, see any swelling or can't walk properly. It is important that you don't put off getting the proper...