Can’t Sleep? Try Craniosacral Therapy

Not able to sleep Well? Looking for some help for Insomnia?

Today I was reading an article that discussed how women often have more challenges with sleep insomnia than men.  In my experience, due to hormonal fluctuations, many women that I have seen in my practice would confirm this.  They feel restless and can’t stop thinking or worrying either before going to sleep or in the middle of the night.   Especially around 3AM.  For me, this makes perfect sense  as the body system’s are fluctuating due to the menstrual cycle, perimenopause or the like, that for some women, they would not sleep as well due to hormonal falls and rises.  They could probably benefit from some type of hormonal support.  But the number one reason for insomnia is stress.  For women in particular, my guess is that stressful thinking and emotional swings, along with hormonal shifts can make it even more difficult to get the needed rest to have a productive day. That can be tough for a woman.


Can’t sleep well?

What surprised me the most though, was that the article mentioned taking drugs as a remedy to this challenge. On second thought, I  guess I shouldn’t be so surprised because as I am writing this, the Universe in its full wisdom has sent a television commercial to come on for a sleeping drug that works with neurotransmitters with a list of negative side effects being marketed to help women sleep better.  This has become our social norm.  At the end, the watcher is told to ask his/her physician about this drug.    I am sure that there are some good benefits to some of these pharmaceuticals.  Sometimes we could use an easy way to help us through the night.  But is it possible that there are some more natural ways long-term modalities of self-correcting care that are just as good or even better to alleviate stress and sleep disruption?   My hope would be that physicians would more often say,  “here is a prescription for massage once a week for three months”.  Work on getting more exercise and eating well.  Why not go take a yoga class?”

I don’t know why I am still constantly baffled that medical insurance covers drugs so easily (which are quite expensive),  and that when we watch TV-we are bombarded with drug ads, yet massage and bodywork are still considered more of a luxury than a therapeutic modality that can help with things like sleep, stress, and tension.  It does take time to support the body to change longterm and  I know that this work doesn’t remedy insomnia for all people, but I have heard lots of positive feedback indicating how much better my clients sleep with their sessions. Research has shown that massage and bodywork are key in helping many people to feel better in so many ways.  In my view- one of the keys to this is that we are focusing on the human body with massage which is quite sensory and mindful.  During a massage, the thinking brain can relax and feel pleasure again instead of focusing on troubles.  The more we receive, the easier it is to re-educate our nervous systems  to wind down when done in a professional and healthy way.  The integration between the mind, body and spirit is integral to wellness.

Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Therapy and Structural Integration have especially been helpful from my view in helping people to relax and let go of stress too.   By working with the fascia, which is a 3 dimensional web of connective tissues that holds the body together (including being richly innervated), and helping it to let goof tension, the whole body can relax.  Have you ever come out of a good massage and everything feels and looks more positive?   The reason I specialize in these modalities, is that I LOVE hearing how relaxed and good people feel afterwards. As human beings, we have the capacity to love, feel pleasure, and to be happy.  But sometimes we need a little help.  And I am not sure that it always has to come in the form of a pill.

I am not suggesting that medicine be replaced.  And by all means, I am not a physician.  But my hope is that Massage Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release bodywork and perhaps work by psychotherapists that focus on the mind-body start to become more widespread to the public as a possible alternative to taking drugs for sleep and wellbeing.  My hope is that this will eventually be covered by insurance so that all of us can sleep well.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

740 966-5153

Evening Hours Massage in Johnstown, Ohio

At Lighten Up Therapies,  Sharon Hartnett LMT offers evening hours at 7:30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays.  Location:  Johnstown, Ohio

As a massage therapist for over 18 years, in my early days-I had many people call me trying to make an appointment, but unable to with their busy working schedules.  Now, with the kids grown and off on their own,   I decided to offer these evening hours to clients.  It works for me, and lots of my clients enjoy this flexibility.

My office has just recently moved from Upper Arlington to Johnstown, Ohio.  No need to worry, we are right past New Albany, the exit right passed.   If you wait until rush hour is over, it’s fairly easy to reach.  We are located on a horse farm, and it is a beautiful drive.

I offer a variety of services: Structural Integration, Craniosacral Therapy, Aromatherapy with Essential Oils, Hot stone massage, SomatoEmotional Release and more.

For the month of December, I am offering a $20.00 off discount for first time clients.  Gift Certificates are available.

My focus is to help clients let go of pain, to move and function more efficiently, and to feel deeply into their bodies.

If you have a tight schedule and you are looking to feel happier and healthier, call Sharon Hartnett.

Craniosacral Columbus

Advanced Certified Craniosacral Therapist

(740) 966-5153

Working with Fascia


by, Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST 703 509-1792

I have been working with Fascia as a primary type of massage for about 17 years. One of the most difficult things about this incredible type of work is explaining the difference between fascia work and general massage to the public. This is not your typical “Spa” massage, but its therapeutic benefits are longer lasting and generally much more profound in my opinion. Yet most people have only heard or experienced typical muscle massage. I’d like to list a few characteristics of fascial work to help you gain a better understanding of how it can help you:

1. The main objective of fascia work is to help release any restrictions or adhesions in the fascial system. The fascia itself is like a 3 dimensional web that envelopes the body and all the internal contents within. When one thing is pulled out of alignment, it affects the rest of the body. By intending to help the fascia to be free and fluid, the whole body improves in functionality and movement.

2. The actual touch can feel very different. Usually with general massage such as Swedish, the therapist uses oils and gently glides over the skin and underlying tissues. With deeper work, lubrication is still used even with the pressure. With fascial therapy, the therapist connects into the connective tissue layers and stretches the “material” until it forms a healthier consistency. The therapist waits for this, listens to the body and moves to the next restricted area. Also, while fascial work can be very comfortable, some clients who have limited mobility and flexibility who want quicker results may ask for a more assertive session. Like deep tissue, this can stir up a painful response. It’s up to the therapist and client to always dialogue about what feels like it is helping or not. Teamwork creates the best results.

3. Due to the relationship of fascia to the musculoskeletal system, fascia type of work can help improve posture more easily. When the fascia is lengthened, it gives more space to muscles, bones, organs and throughout the body. Fascia type of work brings the body back into its natural alignment. Taking stress and strain off the body helps people to walk and move easier.

4. Myofascial therapy can really help to give more optimal health to scar areas. When an injury happens to the body and scar tissue is randomly put down, it lock up certain areas of the body, which in turn affects everything. By working with scar tissue, the therapist can help bring more order to the dysfunctional patterns in the body.

5. Athletes or even anyone who moves in certain habitual patterns can definitely benefit from fascia work. When we use our bodies over and over in a particular way, imbalances can occur between front/back, side/side, top/bottom- basically all over. Working with the whole body through myofascial therapy, therapists can help the body to normalize.
I love my work. Touching into the intelligence of the body through the fascial has turned around the health of so many of my clients. Recently, I had a “Senior” in who had a deep sore that looked black that wouldn’t heal. The next week, it was pink and purple. I couldn’t believe how much improvement he had. My thought was that because we opened up the tissues there, his body could self correct and heal better. It had been like that for a while and then this huge change. Most massage therapist practitioners get into this work because they like helping people. What could be more rewarding?
If you are interested in receiving fascia type of work, contact Sharon at (740) 966-5153 for a free 15 phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett LMT
Structural Integration Therapist
Certified Advanced Craniosacral Therapist
Columbus, Ohio



Basics about Your Nervous System

What is the Nervous System in Human Beings?

The nervous system is a complex and intricate network that is set up to help facilitate informational dialogue and exchange within you and throughout all the relationships around you.  The Nervous System consists of basically two parts:  The Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System.  You can think of these two different systems as a computer that relays information from one place to the other.  In the Case of the Central Nervous System,  we are focusing on the two structures: the brain and the spinal cord (long bundle of nerves).  The brain is the control center and the spine transmits information to and from the rest of the body.  The Peripheral side of things include the nerves or ganglia found outside of the Central Nervous System.

Nervous System

Craniosacral Therapy supports the health of the Nervous System


As you can see by the above picture, the CNS and PNS are extensive.  In Craniosacral Therapy, we use this knowledge to help clients to optimize their health benefits by keeping the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and soft tissue flow smooth and balanced.  By working with the Craniosacral System, we can subtly listen to how the tissues around the brain, along the spine and throughout the body are responding.   By working with symmetry, rate, amplitude and quality of the rhythm, we can help release restrictions and adhesions from around the nerves.  It’s important to allow for nervous system functioning to keep organs, muscles and intelligence of life operating in ease.

From my perspective, with Craniosacral Therapy, the primary focus is keeping the Nervous System healthy, and by doing this- we are also encouraging everything in the body to relate more efficiently and with proper functioning. When we feel good with our internal links, our external links and relationships feel better too.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

Advanced Certified Craniosacral Therapist

740 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio

(Most people have a basic understanding of the brain, but for a good resource to find out more about the Peripheral Nervous System, check out:

Peripheral Nervous System Disorders

Through the Mayo Clinic link)


Why Craniosacral Therapy Works

I am not going to get into the physiology of Craniosacral, but rather focus on the experience.

When one thinks about life, there are absolutes and there are relative positions.

Absolutes are either all or nothing.  It’s not easy for us to live in absolutes.  From childhood, we are taught to identify different things with language.  Each thing we name has shades of interpretation.  It gives us a way to communicate verbally.  It helps our cognitive thinking to grow and expand.  Yet our spoken language can be so limiting.  Have you ever wanted to write something about an eloquent moment or something that felt rich and sensory, but there just was no way to explain it to another?

When we become aware of our observation while it is watching,  we can start to unravel everything that we have learned.  Forms and shapes lose the meaning we have placed upon them, and we get to see with fresh eyes.  Even deeper than that, we can uncover our true essence as we let go of our stories or attachment to what the outer physical world means to us.  Our relative thinking disappears and we unearth a truer joy that it the best word I can find to describe out true selves.  Where everything is One,  that is the only Absolute.  And even this explanation is encased in words.

I have found that as a Craniosacral Therapist that I dance with my clients in the quiet experiences of contact between the nervous systems and all the interconnection dialogue that takes place in a moment, and then in another.   The endless thinking patterns can come to a stop and there is a feeling of being present and more fully alive.  This doesn’t mean that our histories stop showing up, but we are aware of the “now” and can let those pass by without abuse, suffering or pain more and more as we become attuned to this type of living.   The energy that has been trapped and kept in chaos comes into order.  SomatoEmotional Release , in particular, is a process that  allows our stories to pass through the moment as it clears to completion. More advanced practitioners are well versed in holding space and techniques for this to occur as the mind, body and spirit come together for integration.

Often with Craniosacral,  I find that sensitive people are drawn to it.  This is because they are experts at tracking their sensations and expression of self.  Most of my clients who initially respond to Craniosacral Therapy will feel a lot on the table and walk away feeling great with new understanding.  However,  I also have clients who prefer deeper myofascial therapy work.  I love the fascia, so I am happy to oblige with some Structural Integration or whatever they need.  However,  as they begin to feel more deeply into their body’s,  they too begin to bring awareness to the subtle and find the benefits to such work.  In most cases, it is helpful to work deeply at times, and range to the gentle sweet touch of Craniosacral too.

Life is about learning about our relative perspectives, but ultimately to be free, we must let go of the mind to feel and sense deeply as well.   So whichever type of touch brings you to a greater awareness, jump into the dance.  Feel it all.  Wake up to your: touch, sounds, waves, melodies, sights and tastes.  Find your fullness and feel the emptiness.  Life is for the living and it’s all here.

Craniosacral Therapy Columbus

Craniosacral Columbus

I have found that Craniosacral is a very enlivening type of therapy that revitalizes and evokes the deeper happenings of the soul.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI, Brennan Healer

703 509-1792