Getting Clear about What You Want in Life

You CAN get clear about what you want in life.


What you need to do first is start by getting clear about your commitment to Clarity.  Set certain times aside for yourself to explore.  This can be done alone, or with a friend, healer or a therapist.  Self-discovery is a very interesting process. It begins by bringing your awareness to your thinking and how it affects you.  Cause and Effect.

Most of our thinking comes from our history and projections into the future.  What we believe about our stories can become very important to us.  And the filters that we now see the world through can be dimmed by repetitive belief systems.  By realizing how we identify with certain thinking patterns, we can change how we experience and create in the world.  Three keys to getting clearer about what matters to you:

  • Mindfulness is key for bringing awareness to thoughts that confuse and that block us from finding optimal value in our lives.  And it is in the quiet listening to our thoughts as they pass through, that we can navigate into the deeper silence.  Without the clutter, things are much closer to the heart and easier to navigate.  Into the “Now” place, life springs forth and life is more simple.
  • Being Curious makes space for new ideas and perspectives.  It’s like opening a door to see what’s next.
  • Experiencing means being with what is here right now in the moment.

Once the mind starts to quiet down.  Awareness can be experienced as more expansive.  We can step out of our normal living box. Perspective opens.  The bigger picture gives us an advantage to seeing things differently and with more clarity.  Experience and centeredness helps us to know what feels right for us.  It helps to define our relationship to the moment.

The mind and its consciousness is a larger field than just one person alone.

There are infinite possibilities.  But with healing relationships, we can investigate truth, and get more clear about who we are.  Our false identities dissolve and life feels more simple, and more restful.  Believe it-  when the mind opens, clarity is a relief.

Getting Clear by reaching outside of “normal” thinking patterns.Reach for the sky!





My job as a Barbara Brennan Healer is to work with your energy. To create a space where we work together to create an exchange that supports your movement into clarity.  A conversation that will set you free from illusion, and direct you into clarity.

Something deep inside of you knows the TRUTH.  And it will set you free to direct your life with more ease.

Getting clear,  that is my goal in helping you.  To help you connect to the authentic value you are here to live.

If you are looking for help,  I work locally and on Skype long distance.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, Barbara Brennan Healer, SI, Reiki, Hakomi, Upledger

703 509-1792 Ohio

What is Energy Healing? Here are 5 tips to start learning.

If you are reading this, you are probably curious about Energy Healing.

And what I’d ask you is,  “What is your own particular experience?”  Because Energy Healing is an Experiential that is unique to each person.

A subtle feeling of vibration in the air?  Or a touch that infused you with what feels like energy healing?  Have you seen auras that are colors or fields of energy?  Or perhaps felt an energy in the room without seeing anyone or anything?

Energy Healing

Energy Healing


Most of us have experience these things, especially as children.  After all, the world is made of energy.  In Quantum Physics it is known that nothing is actually solid, but rather energy.  Physical atoms are made of of vortices of energy that are spinning.  We are each made with our own unique blueprint that contains structure but also flow.   When we are young, our senses are open, and we perceive all types of things.  Including living energy for many.  But as we get older, we are told how to think and identify things.  Our brains become wired to live in a world where we can feel most connected, and where we speak the same language.  But there is a Universal language that goes beyond the words we use.  And in that-everything is interconnected and alive.

Anyone who is interested can bring awareness to Energy Healing.  But it takes an open mind.  The most important skill for this is to listen with a curious mind, to feel with mindfulness something new.   A few things one might try are:

  1. Look around trees.  They have so much light that emanate from them.  Soften your gaze.  Listen.  Or if you are more of the type of person who senses things physically- feel the tree.  Trees always share their energy.  Maybe that’s why there are so many tree huggers!
  2. If you have a friend who is open, have them stand in one place.  Put your hands in front of you, and while you walk toward him/her, just feel.  Stay open, and bring awareness to your internal process.  There are different levels of energy consciousness in the human energy field.  You will learn to feel different things the closer or farther you go.
  3. Ask you guardian angel or spirit guides to dialogue with you.  When your Higher Self is ready to ask from the heart, these beings of Light are always at hand.
  4. Study Quantum Science.  If you are an intellect, read and explore.
  5. Take Classes.  There are schools like, “The Barbara Brennan School of Healing“, classes in Reiki, Seraphim Blueprint etc… that will teach you the tools you need to become more self-aware.

Working with Energy is amazing.  When one is ready to meet and adventure in new consciousness, they can’t help but to be changed by new experience.  Most people I know who have a taste of spirituality this way, follow the path. Why? The mind is freer and the heart more joyful when it opens up to the Divine. Because there is truth in opening up to God and the openness of Unity, Love, and Peace. Once we know this, we feel renewed.

If you have any questions,  please look at Barbara’s book, “Hands of Light”.

Or call if you are interested in a Energy Healing.

Sharon Hartnett  703 509-1792



Spiritual Healing Columbus With Mindfulness

What is Spiritual Healing Anyway?

In the “Now” time, I find this term “Spiritual Healing” to relate to the mind, body and sprit connection.  Therapists who do this type of work are often more interested in a holistic model where the greater whole is living in each individual. It is the birthright of each person to self-realize God as a Human Being. And every single one of us has the potential to tap into our “Inner Physician” as coined by Dr. John Upledger.

From my experience, this is a little similar to older version of faith healing.  But healers these days actually study energy consciousness in a different way. Often, people will hear about the aura. That is based on a chakra system developed in the Ayurvedic model.  The first level of energy at the first chakra metabolized the physical energy, and it’s development aspect is trust. The second level relates to feelings about the Self, Creativity, and Sexuality.  The third is the mental field.  When it is clear, we think clearly. The fourth is the heart and our relationships. The fifth deals with speaking one’s truth.  The sixth is unconditional love, And the seventh is our connection to God.  There are various models with different interpretations, but these are the general principals.

What I find in the best Spiritual Healing Therapists or Practitioners is a great sense of Presence. What this means is that they are self aware through their own personal work.  And they also have a Higher Sense Perception of Energy Consciousness. They know how to listen to the human energy field, and they also have the tools to know how to respond to areas that clients would like to be healed. When a powerful healer is in the room, you will often feel a sense of peace and also neutrality. But mostly each healer has their own journey which brings out a unique set of qualities in which they can share with people.

Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing


Some healers are naturally talented.  Others have studied and grown.  When I became interested in doing healing work, I researched schools.  I knew I had something, but it had not been uncovered yet.  I made a decision and decided to do 8 years of study at the Barbara Brennan School . At the time, Barbara’s book, “Hands of Light” was popular. When I read it, I found it to be relatable.  And I was so excited to meet her and meet others who had like mind. So off I went for the Professional 4 years and advanced studies.  It was a powerful time for me of challenges and transformation.

I am not saying that all healers have to do the same, but I know that the school helped me to move into my creativity, my successes, and into my light.  But if you are interested in finding out more about spiritual healing, look up healers and call for a free 10 minute interview. I know that I offer that. Because it is important to feel a connection between you and the person you are working with. Sessions can be held locally, or long distance.

Spiritual Healing is amazing.  It touches your soul.

If you are interested in doing an long distance or a session in Johnstown, please call me and we can talk.

703 509-1792

Until We Love Our Pain

Avoiding your pain at all costs?

My guess is that most people would prefer not to feel their pain.  It makes sense though, doesn’t it?  Who would want to feel pain? Perhaps-that’s why we have so many defense mechanisms in place to supposedly protect us.  We are like walking miracles where much of our pain is suppressed…. until it resurfaces or is found out!


Feeling Deeply into Pain to Heal

When people come in for a massage at my office, they are usually feeling some type of discomfort or pain that continues to call for attention.   I often hear about chronic pain that doesn’t resolve and the stress and sleep deprivation that makes things even worst.  My clients biggest wish is they would like to feel better.  Yet, it’s hard to do this alone when we have learned to avoid our pain.  Whether you go to a Massage Therapist, a Psychotherapist, a Chiropractor, whoever, it’s good to receive help from another perspective.  You may not find the solution up front, but if you stay with it, and trust your own inner sense to guide you, you will get help that best suits your individual needs.

As a licensed Massage Therapist for 18 years,  my observation after working with many clients,  is that the truth is that the longer we are organized against feeling the “soft” pain, all the energy that is kept in protection to support this dynamic, starts to lose it ability to keep us separated from the pain.  Eventually,  the pain seeps through and one symptom start to show up, and another and another.  Pain is only meant to be temporary to let us know when we are in real danger.  Afterwards, we need to learn to shake it off or process it efficiently.

When I first started working, I was drawn toward Structural Integration Work, developed by Dr. Ida Rolf.  When I received my first 10 sessions of this myofascial therapy, I felt great.  In my thinking and experience, working with fascia became key to gaining a sense of wellbeing.  Working with releasing dysfunctional fascial patterns has helped many of my clients release pain and find better posture. Then I found myself attracted to Energy Therapy.  I know this sounds far out to many people, but in fact everything is made out of energy.  Some people are born with a gift to perceive it and work with healing, and others can learn this.  So I attended the Barbara Brennan School to study Brennan Healing Science.  While there, I learned that soft pain was held in the Human Energy Field.  There are many tools a “healer” can use to facilitate healing this way: clearing energy, charging the field, helping clients to awaken to their “Inner Wisdom”.  As with most Massage Therapists, I went on to study another course to study “Hakomi” to add to my toolbox.  Most of my class mates were Social Workers, Psychotherapists and such, but I enjoyed learning new and deeper skills to help people with emotional pain based on beliefs that were long held.  Hakomi is an organic and gentle type of therapy that is kind and organic.  The compassionate standpoint of this work has helped my clients try new things without any judgment or harshness.  My last great passion was to study at the Upledger Institute, to gain a more extensive understanding of how to work with the brain, the Craniosacral System, and SomatoEmotional Release.  With all of this and more said and done, what I have realized is that people have unique make-ups of how they run their living patterns.  When they become stuck on one level, if it is not able to be cleared, pain stays in that system.  So if someone truly wants to heal, they need to meet that place of suffering and/or pain with an open heart and a willingness to feel the “soft” pain in order to transform it.

Loving our pain is not a new concept, but I suppose most people might not have thought about it this way.  All things are derived from Love.  Our defenses only kick in because something is painful in the moment and we did not find a way to complete itself.  Yet the mind, body, spirit connection is always waiting to complete itself into the next cycle of growth.  So whether you come in and need deep fascial or muscle work, or light touch, give yourself a chance to work with a therapist long-term to explore your relationship to pain and finding ways to release it.  In my opinion, the easiest way to feel good is to acknowledge what is present and feel it at your comfort level until the patterns dissolve.  Using a SomatoEmotional approach can be very telling, as the body is always dialoguing what it needs, if we only listen and respect what is communicated.

Sometimes, during a first session, even after all this time, I am not spot-on, but I do learn something with every touch, sound, and exchange.  I gain knowledge and compassion for the highest good of my clients on my table.  So we try many different approaches to resolving pain issues, and happily I can say that I have seen many clients leave my office astounded by how much better they feel.  But it’s important to remember that if you are just off the table, the endorphins will wear off, but if you stay with the clarity, staying committed to the work that is needed, and the homework that your MT’s give you, the long-term result are quite possible.

Remember: Love your pain because it is telling you something needs to be addressed.  Something deeper than you probably know.

Imagine your life if you stopped thinking pain was “bad’ and learned to flow and dance with it in life.

It might actually change into something special!

Sharon Hartnett LMT

740 966-5153


Reiki Columbus Ohio

Reiki is probably the most well known Energy Healing method in the US.

The reason for this is that Reiki is fairly easy to get an attunement for each of the first two levels with a week-end class.  No previous experience with energy healing is necessary.  Over 1 million people in the USA have received this ability transferred from Master Reiki teacher to student, so that they use Reiki on themselves or others as a healing modality.  Practitioners of Reiki often feel a deep sense of relaxation and healing.  The work is subtle and nourishing.

While I personally enjoy Reiki Treatments, I have found that there are many other schools of energy therapy out there that are quite supportive to the healing process as well.  After researching, I decided to attend the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. It is a 4 year college program based in Florida founded on the work of Dr. Barbara Brennan, author of the books, “Hands of Light” and “Light Emerging”.  It was there that I studied and eventually taught this amazing transformational work. Because I could see the benefits of Energy Therapy as well as working a program to help the Awakening process,  I then studied the advance course for an additional 4 years. I soaked all of it in so that I could share these techniques with others.  Brennan Healing Science® is a comprehensive program that teaches students to become compassionate healers to serve others on their path. And now- I like to incorporate this healing modality into my Craniosacral Therapy and Structural Integration sessions.  It is a gentle hands-on healing process that has helped thousands of people across the world.


Reiki Energy Healing

In addition to Reiki, Brennan Healing Science®,  while I was living in Florida, my friend Joann Rahl, introduced me to the  At first I didn’t think that is would be much with all my other training.  But I still went, and was pleasantly surprised.  It felt wonderful to sit in and receive the energetic initiations.  I felt new frequencies opened up that I have added to my healing work through intention.

While this has been my path in studying and implementing energy healing, there are many other schools that are second generation, and are very appropriate to healing what is going on now here on earth. 

I will say,  that my experience has shown me over and over that we are energy being, with human energy fields.  When we can align our auric fields, we can find deeper balance and move through life more effortlessly.

If you have an interest in Energy Healing,  please go out and investigate.  There is something waiting to help you open up the door. 


Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST, Brennan Healing Science®

740 966-5153