Are You Dealing with Chronic Pain?

Chronic Pain throws a jolt into life, doesn’t it?

One of the most difficult things about chronic pain is that there is no break.  The body continually sends signals to the brain that say “OW”, and there is no rest on a physical level. If your chronic pain is lasting days, weeks or even months, you need some help. And if your chronic pain is coming from an illness level, it’s important that you seek medical help. In addition to that, naturopathic and/or functional medicine can also be very helpful in supporting an overall maintenance or health recovery.

chronic pain

chronic pain

What I would like to talk about is twofold.  The myofascial component of pain, and also how the mind reacts to pain.

  • Fascia-If there is inflammation in the body, it often affects the fascia as pain or dysfunction of some sort.  In the reverse, if the fascial body is tight, disorganized or unhealthy, it can also cause pain patterns. Because fascia interacts with all the living things in your body, it is important to address any myofascial issues that contribute to your chronic pain.  The problem is that most people have never even heard of fascia. So they go on medications and travel the traditional route looking for answers. Sometimes- the answers are there. Sometimes not. Mostly, in my practice I receive clients who have found no resolutions anywhere.  So what do we do?  We begin a dialogue between my hands and the person’s fascia.  The body tells me where to go.  Whether there are tight sheets, torques, pulls, resistance or whatever- we work there until the soft tissues start to melt and re-vigorate.  I look for more hydration, flexibility, motion and general health in the fascia.  When this happens, compression and dysfunctional patterns disappear, leaving more flow and energy to help self-correct the physical body.  The body eventually begins to feel more space and alignment, and voila- you can breathe again.
  • The Mind- It plays a huge part in how we respond to physical pain. It is true, that as human beings, we can suffer with physical pain.  But there are other things that can make pain worst. And usually, believe it or not- when we ignore our pain- the pattern usually gets worst.  Ignoring our bodies does not create better health. One thing that is helpful to do to relax pain patterns is to do a breathing meditation, Breathing with awareness helps to bring motion back into the body.  Motion is vitality. On top of that benefit, when we start to notice our thoughts, and beliefs, we become more empowered in understanding how our mind is organized. When we experience our bodies, with gentle awareness, pain often softens and can actually subside. As we question our unhealthy thinking, the mind expands, and so does the space inside of us.  I know,  that sometimes it is easier to resist the pain- but that really doesn’t help long-term.  Take some time each day to find the silence in the moment, the places in your body that are feeling good, or ask for loving kindness to fill you up.  The mind’s relationship to pain is important.  If you want to feel better, it is crucial that you start to explore other conscious choices.

I have worked with people on the table for close to 30 years. Chronic Pain is not the easiest thing to shift.  But with a holistic approach, I have seen people get better, and heal.  Looking at the foods you eat, your exercise schedule, how you think and act, along with your meditation practice can truly help.  Finding a person to journey with you and support you through modalities like SomatoEmotional Release can be life changing.

Remember,  that chronic pain can be a lonely place.  Don’t leave yourself in that position.  Get some help because your life is important.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST-D, SomatoeEmotional Release, SI, BHSP, Hakomi

703 509-1792

Serving The Columbus Area

Working with Fascia


by, Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST 703 509-1792

I have been working with Fascia as a primary type of massage for about 17 years. One of the most difficult things about this incredible type of work is explaining the difference between fascia work and general massage to the public. This is not your typical “Spa” massage, but its therapeutic benefits are longer lasting and generally much more profound in my opinion. Yet most people have only heard or experienced typical muscle massage. I’d like to list a few characteristics of fascial work to help you gain a better understanding of how it can help you:

1. The main objective of fascia work is to help release any restrictions or adhesions in the fascial system. The fascia itself is like a 3 dimensional web that envelopes the body and all the internal contents within. When one thing is pulled out of alignment, it affects the rest of the body. By intending to help the fascia to be free and fluid, the whole body improves in functionality and movement.

2. The actual touch can feel very different. Usually with general massage such as Swedish, the therapist uses oils and gently glides over the skin and underlying tissues. With deeper work, lubrication is still used even with the pressure. With fascial therapy, the therapist connects into the connective tissue layers and stretches the “material” until it forms a healthier consistency. The therapist waits for this, listens to the body and moves to the next restricted area. Also, while fascial work can be very comfortable, some clients who have limited mobility and flexibility who want quicker results may ask for a more assertive session. Like deep tissue, this can stir up a painful response. It’s up to the therapist and client to always dialogue about what feels like it is helping or not. Teamwork creates the best results.

3. Due to the relationship of fascia to the musculoskeletal system, fascia type of work can help improve posture more easily. When the fascia is lengthened, it gives more space to muscles, bones, organs and throughout the body. Fascia type of work brings the body back into its natural alignment. Taking stress and strain off the body helps people to walk and move easier.

4. Myofascial therapy can really help to give more optimal health to scar areas. When an injury happens to the body and scar tissue is randomly put down, it lock up certain areas of the body, which in turn affects everything. By working with scar tissue, the therapist can help bring more order to the dysfunctional patterns in the body.

5. Athletes or even anyone who moves in certain habitual patterns can definitely benefit from fascia work. When we use our bodies over and over in a particular way, imbalances can occur between front/back, side/side, top/bottom- basically all over. Working with the whole body through myofascial therapy, therapists can help the body to normalize.
I love my work. Touching into the intelligence of the body through the fascial has turned around the health of so many of my clients. Recently, I had a “Senior” in who had a deep sore that looked black that wouldn’t heal. The next week, it was pink and purple. I couldn’t believe how much improvement he had. My thought was that because we opened up the tissues there, his body could self correct and heal better. It had been like that for a while and then this huge change. Most massage therapist practitioners get into this work because they like helping people. What could be more rewarding?
If you are interested in receiving fascia type of work, contact Sharon at (740) 966-5153 for a free 15 phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett LMT
Structural Integration Therapist
Certified Advanced Craniosacral Therapist
Columbus, Ohio



Massage Improves Flexibility of Soft Tissue

One of the chronic physical conditions that benefits best in the world of manual therapy is the lessening of pain for clients by helping to loosen direct and indirect soft tissue restrictions.

In my practice, I have found two areas of massage therapy that have consistently proven to help increase range of motion and to relax the musculatures and other internal systems so that the body can fall back into its natural alignment: 1. working directly with the musculature and 2. also by focusing on fascial tissue.

Most people who have received basic massage know what it feels like to have a muscle worked.  You go in and you feel either light or deep pressure going inward and moving in a certain directions.  That can feel wonderful. Your circulation increases, stress melts away, and the lymph system works more efficiently, all with an hour of massage.  But if you want longer lasting structural change, the fascial component of the work can create longer lasting shifts and release bones and other adhesions that hinder good flexibility.  This feels very different in quality when receiving because the intention is to work with this web of tissue that contains and runs through almost everything in the body.  Either using fingers, the hand, or an elbow, the practitioner enters the fascial system and helps it to stretch or unwind so that the client can move more freely. She can work with the bones, the viscera wrappings, and all the contents either directly or indirectly while inviting the client to move certain ways to find length and movment.  As one point or section is released, the rest of the body feels he tautness let go too, even if on an unconscious level.  Everything is connected in the body and the fascia is key into bringing balance throughout the whole structure.

Massage in Columbus

The New Frontier in Pain Relief!t

In the quiet of the body there is nourishment.  At the same time, the body also needs to move from the cellular level to the larger systems to stay healthy.  Deep myofascial work can do wonders to help you accomplish this by touching into stuck places and releasing old patterns.  Through therapies like Craniosacral Therapy with a light touch or Ida Rolf’s 10 Session protocol for Structural Integration, fascial work will bring balance and lightness back into your step!

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

Columbus, Ohio

703 509-1792





Structural Integration:Deeper into the Body

Structural Integration by Ida Rolf,  is not the most mild type of bodywork.

 It’s not meant to be…




The ten sessions are intended to help clients to find better alignment in relationship to gravity.  Not only in standing or quiet poses, but also in movement. The idea is to help people find more fluidity, flexibility and range of motion through effective touch and thorough manipulation.  

One thing that is important to address, is that this type of work often gets labeled as being uncomfortable. With Ida Rolf’s work-  in most cases, as pain is sometimes encountered and touched, clients will feel things that have been avoided.  It’s natural for people to compensate when they have injuries or emotional patterns holding them out of alignment. As such, as things open, deeper sensations do occur. However, if a professional and respectful dialogue is kept, the session can weather the storm with proper care and efficient contact. With healthy touch, the work can go slowly at the client’s rate and comfort level. During and after the sessions, clients will often be surprised at how they can feel grounded into their bodies and the earth both energetically and physically in a whole new way.

One of the biggest considerations when deciding if Structural Integration is right for you, is to ask yourself if you are looking for a pleasurable massage session or a more long-term and holistic approach.  Some clients enjoy light touch effleurage massage.  It can feel warm, invigorating and healing.  On the opposite side of the spectrum though, the Ida Rolf Structural Integration type of work focuses on the ability to work deeper without working harder.  A good Structural Integration Therapist will apply pressure to touch into the different levels of the fascial web to help you unwind and lengthen dysfunctional patterns. The fascia softens and hydrates allowing time to awaken and integrate.

Without question, at Lighten Up Therapies, our goal is to help you to achieve your goals for your health and wellbeing.  

If you would like a free 15 minute telephone consultation with Sharon Hartnett LMT,  please give her a call at: (740) 966-5153

Working with Fascia

When muscles are stuck in either over-contracted or over-stretched positions, you’ll often find reduced functioning in that area of the body. 

In order to find the best treatment to reduce this type of strain and help nourish overworked muscles, look to supporting healthy fascia through modalities such as: Structural Integration, Craniosacral Therapy or exercises like Yamuna Ball Rolling or Feldenkrais. Through fascial manipulation and mindful movement, it is very possible to restore full body movement. By reopening the adhesions in the tissue, one is able to to restore fluid flow and help the nervous system to enliven, as well as correct the misalignment which helped contribute to that pull.

Massage Columbus Ohio

Finding Healthy Structure through Balance

This adhesion gives you a good view of deformed fascia. As people get older,  lifetime stresses often play a significant factor in how we relate within and to our environments. Accidents, illnesses, repetitive motion, and stress can all take us all off kilter. The resulting tension patterns take us out of effortless motion and tend to create pain over time. Fortunately, for us, the fascia is able to self correct through a practitioner’s or proper exercise of gentle pushes and pulls of this continuous fabric of life. Whether you go to a Fascial Bodyworker, or choose to check into using tools such as the balls, Melt Tube,or instructional movement DVDS, it is easy to improve your health by lengthening and unwinding rotations and twists.  As the tissues unfold and lubricate, there is more space for movement and nourishment to organs, muscles, and bones.  And- we all want to feel our best, right?

The first thing to do to stabilize and balance the body is to find a therapist who will help bring self awareness to you about your fascial body. Learning mindfulness with the body is pivotal in taking responsibility for one’s health.  Many people are not familiar with the web-like fasical system and do not know how important it is in regards to postural balance. Yet once a conscious relationship is awakened, you’ll be surprised how simple it is to gain more flexibility and energy.  It’s a shame that this system has not been investigated more thoroughly in the past as it is a life altering element of health and wellness.  Getting yourself educated by experienced people and good literature will ultimately help you stay in charge for your own life. Take some time to read about all the new finding regarding the role of fascia in the field of wellness.  A good place to start is:

Once you have found the best bodyworker for you, make sure that there is educational dialogue. Each person develops in his/her own unique way.  It is valuable to share the type of touch that works best for you even with the most experienced therapist.  If you have any previous trauma, whether physical, emotional or whatever… please let us know  because the best sessions are where there is respect for boundaries and good listening. Sometimes it is the case that the body will allow one in, but repetitive thought patterns and the emotion energy behind that can bring about strong resistance and responses in other levels of consciousness.  The whole of a person must be addressed for deep healing and respect of the process and this holistic model is the key to success. The fascia is a continuous web of connective tissue that is responsible for posture.   Whatever  history you bring into the session will begin to unravel as the whole body changes, and organically many different experiences unfold.  

On a personal note, I like to ask my clients not to work out very hard while going through a ten series.  Often muscles building can lead to overuse and weaknesses that may be unconscious or imbalanced.  It is beneficial to allow the 10 weeks to be dedicated to feeling the body open and lengthen naturally.  Personally, I also like to advise clients to use rollers and balls to work each day to keep the fascia hydrated, layered and softer. By the time the client feels a 10 series from the superficial work to the deeper layers and such, he/she (if they have been mindful of their bodies), will feel a dramatic shift into freer mobility, increased energy and integration.

Fascial work originally was brought to attention by Ida Rolf. Since her time, there are now many wonderful graduated practitioners across the globe from schools such as the Institute for Structural Integration,The Rolf Institute,The Upledger Institute, Tom Meyers School and more.  The research that is being done is exciting and coming more into the mainstream of the medical community. In my own Private Practice,I have seen people who have lived with years of pain, release and find themselves feeling freer and happier than in previous years.  It is always a pleasure to see my clients walking away with more essence and vitality in their step.

Fascial work is so exciting because it can help so many people to feel more deeply and alive.  If you have any questions, please call Sharon Hartnett LMT for a free 15 phone consultation.

(740) 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio