Spread Your Wings

Spread Your Wings

It’s time to shine your light!

It doesn’t serve anyone well when you keep your light dim. But sometimes, people don’t know the way out. They don’t know how to take the next step to move to the next place in regard to their dreams and hopes. But I say, “Why not choose Joy?”

What I find helpful in my life are these keys for movement of the soul

  1. Be Mindful
  2. Dream Big but be ready to put work into it. Commitment is important.
  3. Realize that there is always help available. So reach out and ask for it.
  4. Know that empowerment comes from being in the Moment and making the best choice you can right here and now.
  5. Notice how grace works for you. The Universe is at your disposal.
  6. Question your thoughts that keep you limiting yourself.
  7. Live in Gratitude and say thank you.

One of the most difficult things for people who are not accomplishing their goals is that the past keeps them down. To realize your dreams, it’s important to realize the conscious and unconscious patterns that you keep generating and believing.

My friends, it is time to spread your wings. The world will be a better place, and so will you.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792



Get Rid of Those Painful Headaches with Craniosacral Therapy

Get Rid of Those Painful Headaches with Craniosacral Therapy

Are your headaches leaving you incapacitated?

Three reasons why you should find a Craniosacral Therapist to help your headaches feel better:

  1. Craniosacral Therapy uses a very light touch.  The intention of the hands is to listen quietly.  The benefit in this is that we therapists follow the craniosacral rhythm and the tissue’s own inherent wisdom to show us what needs to happen for release.  The only place that the client feels deeper pressure is in the subocciptal area, right where the spine and head meet.  And that usually feels pretty great.  Headaches disappear when this part of the neck relaxes.
  2. While Craniosacral Therapy works with the brain and the spine as the primary focus, the listening leads the therapist to all the places in the body that are also contributing to stress patterns.  In Actuality, Craniosacral Therapy is a whole body treatment that helps the client to feel totally integrated and complete.  Often headaches dissolve, but this is often because of the opening and reconnection between the head and the thoracic inlet.  More blood and fluid  flow between the head and the body which facilitates better circulation.
  3. Craniosacral Therapy addresses SomatoEmotional Release too. For therapists that have trained in this, it is a very supportive tool that helps clients to have a conversation with the unconscious and conscious.  Deeply set patterns in the body can often released when the stressful emotions arise and have space to be felt.  Sometimes our stories from the past are held in the tissues.  Freeing ourselves into the present can be very healing.

If you are suffering from frequent headaches, and associated pain- look for a gentle approach that actually helps.


Tension Headaches

Craniosacral Therapy looks to bringing more balance throughout the whole cranium.  But it is also brings more awareness to the whole.  Bringing a deep sense of peace and relief to those who live with headaches.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

Serving the Columbus Area

For more information of the Upledger Institute




What is Energy Healing?  Here are 5 tips to start learning.

What is Energy Healing? Here are 5 tips to start learning.

If you are reading this, you are probably curious about Energy Healing.

And what I’d ask you is,  “What is your own particular experience?”  Because Energy Healing is an Experiential that is unique to each person.

A subtle feeling of vibration in the air?  Or a touch that infused you with what feels like energy healing?  Have you seen auras that are colors or fields of energy?  Or perhaps felt an energy in the room without seeing anyone or anything?

Energy Healing

Energy Healing


Most of us have experience these things, especially as children.  After all, the world is made of energy.  In Quantum Physics it is known that nothing is actually solid, but rather energy.  Physical atoms are made of of vortices of energy that are spinning.  We are each made with our own unique blueprint that contains structure but also flow.   When we are young, our senses are open, and we perceive all types of things.  Including living energy for many.  But as we get older, we are told how to think and identify things.  Our brains become wired to live in a world where we can feel most connected, and where we speak the same language.  But there is a Universal language that goes beyond the words we use.  And in that-everything is interconnected and alive.

Anyone who is interested can bring awareness to Energy Healing.  But it takes an open mind.  The most important skill for this is to listen with a curious mind, to feel with mindfulness something new.   A few things one might try are:

  1. Look around trees.  They have so much light that emanate from them.  Soften your gaze.  Listen.  Or if you are more of the type of person who senses things physically- feel the tree.  Trees always share their energy.  Maybe that’s why there are so many tree huggers!
  2. If you have a friend who is open, have them stand in one place.  Put your hands in front of you, and while you walk toward him/her, just feel.  Stay open, and bring awareness to your internal process.  There are different levels of energy consciousness in the human energy field.  You will learn to feel different things the closer or farther you go.
  3. Ask you guardian angel or spirit guides to dialogue with you.  When your Higher Self is ready to ask from the heart, these beings of Light are always at hand.
  4. Study Quantum Science.  If you are an intellect, read and explore.
  5. Take Classes.  There are schools like, “The Barbara Brennan School of Healing“, classes in Reiki, Seraphim Blueprint etc… that will teach you the tools you need to become more self-aware.

Working with Energy is amazing.  When one is ready to meet and adventure in new consciousness, they can’t help but to be changed by new experience.  Most people I know who have a taste of spirituality this way, follow the path. Why? The mind is freer and the heart more joyful when it opens up to the Divine. Because there is truth in opening up to God and the openness of Unity, Love, and Peace. Once we know this, we feel renewed.

If you have any questions,  please look at Barbara’s book, “Hands of Light”.

Or call if you are interested in a Energy Healing.

Sharon Hartnett  703 509-1792




How to Find an Upledger Craniosacral Therapist Columbus

Looking for an Upledger trained Craniosacral Therapist Columbus Ohio?

Craniosacral Therapist Columbus

To begin with, education and experience are key when you are looking for a Craniosacral Therapist Columbus.  Why?  Because your time and health are important, and so is how you spend your money. My hope is that you find the best Craniosacral Therapist Columbus to take you on a journey of healing into wellbeing.

Upledger Certified

I took my first class from the Upledger Institute in 2002.  Since then I have been drawn to learning everything I can in regards to Craniosacral Therapy.  And I am so grateful that Dr. John Upledger moved from Michigan to Florida one day many years ago to open up the Upledger Institute.  

At that time, he decided to take his medical background and shared an innovate approach for hands on work that could be used by Massage Therapists, physicians, dentists,  bodyworkers of all types of people, including lay people. The amount of therapists who attend classes at the school continues to grow, and expand around the globe.  

My opinion of why this is such quality manual work is founded in the integrity of The Upledger Institute and its Certification process.  It takes a huge commitment and love for Craniosacral Therapy work to excel and create the best healthy dynamics for the body to heal. Craniosacral Practitioners are just students until they quality through certification.  It’s a rigorous process to learn the in depth techniques, anatomy and skills to become a Craniosacral Therapist Columbus.People who could once not find any helpful treatment heal. They grow and begin to look forward to life in a whole new way.

The techniques are also very gentle.Sometimes clients wonder at first if such a soft touch can do anything.  Sometimes, with new clients, they don’t feel very much at the beginning.  Because they are not tuned in to listening and feeling the subtle changes that occur.  But the more time they give to receiving treatment, they always notice that they are feeling better.  They may not be able to say that one stroke which may be found in a deep tissue massage was the shift, but they know that when they wake up everyday that their body feels better, and that their outlook is clearer and more upbeat. I can tell you why I think gentle work generates so much great change:

  1. The touch is light, so that the body does not fight against the touch.
  2. The Upledger Craniosacral Therapist is trained to listen to your Inner Wisdom, and allow that to run the session.
  3. Trust-  while Craniosacral Therapy can support SomatoEmotional Work, an experienced Therapist will never tell you what to do, what to think or how to feel.  We are trained to support your process to be organic and heard from a neutral place.
  4. For those of us who train up to the Diplomate Level, we are tested thoroughly on our knowledge and our practice.  We have learned our anatomy, how to deepen our presence, and how to be available with techniques for our clients.  Our tool box is at your disposal.
  5. There is something magical on so many levels between the gentle interchange between an Upledger Craniosacral Therapist and client.  There are no words, just a loving and healing conversation that expands and heals.

I could go on an on.  But if you are in the Columbus, Ohio area, and would like to find out more, please call me for a free 10 minute phone consultation.  I would love to hear from you and see if we are a good match.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, LMT, SI, BHSP, Hakomi Graduate, SPI Level 1

703 509 1792



Presence:  Discovering Inner Wisdom

Presence: Discovering Inner Wisdom

The Inner Wisdom of my body brought me into Presence…

God Bless Our Inner Wisdom. The intelligence Within is powerful. When I was younger, I found myself fascinated by the human body and how it works.  At a later ripened  aged Craniosacral Therapist, I now find myself even more intrigued.  Never is there a dull moment when I get bored with what I do.  This is because I continue to study, explore and keep my mind open to new things arising in relationships: The people with whom I work,  The world of Science, Touch and Healing, and of course with the magic of bringing peace and balance into any given equation.  This is important to me so I can be the best version of facilitator I can be to support my clients. My best teachers, of course, are the moments when I meld and grow with each person who is willing to take a chance to heal and to deepen into Self-Discovery. Quite the adventure.

During every session,  presence grows as I listen and support the inner wisdom relationship between me and my clients..  My mind, body & spirit feel much more aligned and deeply connected due to the quality of work to which I aim.  Why?  Because I understand that each client is a gift to me, where we dance together in mutuality for the highest good, and where the intention is focused on waking up into knowing health and wholeness.  My clients come back, because I stay in a neutral place of non-judgment, open to the possibilities of getting better.  Whatever it takes…  My commitment is strong and based in care and understanding.  Not to mention, an array of tools learned throughout the years.

human body

The human body


The human body

As a Licensed Manual Therapist,  the emphasis of my work has been on Listening, Connection, & Using the Tools that I have learned.  One of the places I learned my unique approach to healing was in my Hakomi training.  Ron Kurtz, who founded the Hakomi work taught that Loving presence is an incredible supportive way to create a therapeutic relationship that is safe, accepting and gracious.  For me, this means being very aware of Who I am in the moment, and listening to the information that is presented by the inner wisdom of my client.  This can be expressed in the wave of a breathe, a sound, a facial expression or sometimes through talk.   Dialogue happens on many different levels. Through my Upledger Training,  I have also learned to trust the Inner Wisdom inside of each person.  It guides me, shows me the way to release and uncover old traumas, defense patterns, and dysfunctional patterns.  Much of the time, I use the Craniosacral Rhythm and its Significance Detector to lead me where the body wants to go.  Believe it or not, your body knows what it needs and that information is available.

The people who benefit the most from organic and natural healing are those who open up to all possibilities.  People who take a chance to step outside what they know into the Unknown.  This means feeling deeply into the sensing body, feeling emotions, and exploring belief systems.  Coming out of the shadow and entering into the Presence of NOW.  For example, I had a client who had lost her baby. During our SomatoEmotional work, she continued felt her deep grief, and expressed the pain that she felt inside her body. The pain at her loss. I listened to what her body offered to show me.  After a series of sessions, she moved much more freely and felt so much better.  It is such a difficult thing to have to go through, but she found that going in and through her broken heart, that she could live easier on the other side.

What I have discovered is that the best healing work is not about analyzing or figuring out the problem.  But rather, I have seen through my manual therapy  approach that focusing on supporting this concept of the “Evolving Presence” takes us into more expansion and a felt presence of health and wellbeing.  The more we are mindful, curious and neutral, the more clarity and truthful we become.  And the Truth does set us free.  All the Craniosaccral tools in the world don’t mean a thing without have a solid foundation in Presence.  Trusting the Inner Wisdom matters most in every session.

Sharon Hartnett  CST-D

703 509-1792



Two Hearts Meeting Together

Two Hearts Meeting Together

Today, I felt like writing an informal post about Hearts Meeting.  A chat about how much I love my work.  I am so fortunate that I get to wake up each day, loving my family, my home, and my interactions with life.  It prepares me to be able to be in service in the work I chose.  And I love working with people.  Mostly because it opens my heart. And it opens other people’s hearts.



In my work practice, I have clients come see me for a variety of reasons.  Mostly people who are uncomfortable with something in life:  their physical bodies, feelings, unclear thinking or relationships to the spiritual.   I listen.  I take in the story from a neutral place.  And then I guide.  My job is to facilitate the unfolding of my client’s own inner wisdom.  For I am not actually the healer, but rather a facilitator of sorts.  For over 25+ years, I have studied, worked and practiced healing techniques to help myself, those nearby whom I love, and my clients who want to connect with their Higher Purpose.  People who want to feel at home in their bodies, their lives with heart and vitality.  How I do that is by being Present with myself, my client and trusting the process of the energy dynamics.  I center in my heart of hearts.

All of life has a stirring of energy.  It lives throughout all of consciousness.  I know this may sound a little far out for some.  But I feel it in the presence of all living things.  I feel it in myself, and especially when I connect from my heart to others.  I may use energy healing, craniosacral therapy or Hakomi or such as tools, but what deeply matters is that we all are part of a sacred heart infinite web.  Humanity is riding on just one small wave in the Universe, but everything is interconnected.  We are interconnected.  Yet we are also given this gift of discovering a sense of self.  and while there may be many similarities between us, we each have a chance to write our own unique stories.  In this, I find passion and heart.  When I connect with my clients on the table, I love the brain and the body, but most of all-touching from my heart to another.  It is so transformational and healing.

You don’t have to be a healer do this.  We are all ordinary people, humble coming from the same Source.  We all have the ability to heal the soul.  It may appear otherwise, but the truth is that in the little things. we can make huge positive change.  Choosing to love from your heart in any moment is a choice we can all make.  Healing this planet, and all the people here is all about this and connecting to other hearts.

I finish now, with a heart full of gratitude for all my clients, as well as for the fullness in my life.  And I wish you all the same.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D, SI, BHSP

703 509-1792






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