Working with Fascia


by, Sharon Hartnett LMT, SI, CST 703 509-1792

I have been working with Fascia as a primary type of massage for about 17 years. One of the most difficult things about this incredible type of work is explaining the difference between fascia work and general massage to the public. This is not your typical “Spa” massage, but its therapeutic benefits are longer lasting and generally much more profound in my opinion. Yet most people have only heard or experienced typical muscle massage. I’d like to list a few characteristics of fascial work to help you gain a better understanding of how it can help you:

1. The main objective of fascia work is to help release any restrictions or adhesions in the fascial system. The fascia itself is like a 3 dimensional web that envelopes the body and all the internal contents within. When one thing is pulled out of alignment, it affects the rest of the body. By intending to help the fascia to be free and fluid, the whole body improves in functionality and movement.

2. The actual touch can feel very different. Usually with general massage such as Swedish, the therapist uses oils and gently glides over the skin and underlying tissues. With deeper work, lubrication is still used even with the pressure. With fascial therapy, the therapist connects into the connective tissue layers and stretches the “material” until it forms a healthier consistency. The therapist waits for this, listens to the body and moves to the next restricted area. Also, while fascial work can be very comfortable, some clients who have limited mobility and flexibility who want quicker results may ask for a more assertive session. Like deep tissue, this can stir up a painful response. It’s up to the therapist and client to always dialogue about what feels like it is helping or not. Teamwork creates the best results.

3. Due to the relationship of fascia to the musculoskeletal system, fascia type of work can help improve posture more easily. When the fascia is lengthened, it gives more space to muscles, bones, organs and throughout the body. Fascia type of work brings the body back into its natural alignment. Taking stress and strain off the body helps people to walk and move easier.

4. Myofascial therapy can really help to give more optimal health to scar areas. When an injury happens to the body and scar tissue is randomly put down, it lock up certain areas of the body, which in turn affects everything. By working with scar tissue, the therapist can help bring more order to the dysfunctional patterns in the body.

5. Athletes or even anyone who moves in certain habitual patterns can definitely benefit from fascia work. When we use our bodies over and over in a particular way, imbalances can occur between front/back, side/side, top/bottom- basically all over. Working with the whole body through myofascial therapy, therapists can help the body to normalize.
I love my work. Touching into the intelligence of the body through the fascial has turned around the health of so many of my clients. Recently, I had a “Senior” in who had a deep sore that looked black that wouldn’t heal. The next week, it was pink and purple. I couldn’t believe how much improvement he had. My thought was that because we opened up the tissues there, his body could self correct and heal better. It had been like that for a while and then this huge change. Most massage therapist practitioners get into this work because they like helping people. What could be more rewarding?
If you are interested in receiving fascia type of work, contact Sharon at (740) 966-5153 for a free 15 phone consultation.

Sharon Hartnett LMT
Structural Integration Therapist
Certified Advanced Craniosacral Therapist
Columbus, Ohio



Moved my Massage Practice to Johnstown Ohio

Moved my Massage Practice to Johnstown Ohio

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) Massage

Well,  I finally decided to stop making the drive to Upper Arlington and to focus my Massage Therapy practice to Johnstown, Ohio.  So Johnstown residents, and surrounding areas… you have a new Craniosacral Therapist in town.

In addition to this,  I have also decided to focus on Craniosacral Therapy as the main modality of my work.  I have lots of experience with many different types of massage therapy, bodywork, energy work, and SomatoEmotional work, but I have found that the Craniosacral Therapy is versatile in being able to help most people with many different health challenges.   With CST, I have seen clients live their lives with more ease and comfort by simply releasing restrictions and adhesions within the cranium and along the spine.  By also addressing myofascial dysfunctional patterns in addition,  clients seem happy to leave their pain behind by the time they leave the door.  The most unique thing about my work with clients is that I listen, meld, and follow your  leadership in accomplishing positive results.  Each session is different based upon what is presented during the session.

As a way to market my new business,  I will leave promotional materials for great deals for the holiday season at the “Hot Spot” on Coshocton Rd. in November.  You can find out more about this great coffee cafe at:  Hot Spot FB .

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy in Johnstown, Ohio

As I am new here for the most part in this area,  I look forward to meeting lots of great people and clients.

If you have any questions about my work, please contact me,  Sharon Hartnett at 740 966-5153 with your questions.

For more about Craniosacral Therapy, check out:



Basics about Your Nervous System

Basics about Your Nervous System

What is the Nervous System in Human Beings?

The nervous system is a complex and intricate network that is set up to help facilitate informational dialogue and exchange within you and throughout all the relationships around you.  The Nervous System consists of basically two parts:  The Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System.  You can think of these two different systems as a computer that relays information from one place to the other.  In the Case of the Central Nervous System,  we are focusing on the two structures: the brain and the spinal cord (long bundle of nerves).  The brain is the control center and the spine transmits information to and from the rest of the body.  The Peripheral side of things include the nerves or ganglia found outside of the Central Nervous System.

Nervous System

Craniosacral Therapy supports the health of the Nervous System


As you can see by the above picture, the CNS and PNS are extensive.  In Craniosacral Therapy, we use this knowledge to help clients to optimize their health benefits by keeping the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and soft tissue flow smooth and balanced.  By working with the Craniosacral System, we can subtly listen to how the tissues around the brain, along the spine and throughout the body are responding.   By working with symmetry, rate, amplitude and quality of the rhythm, we can help release restrictions and adhesions from around the nerves.  It’s important to allow for nervous system functioning to keep organs, muscles and intelligence of life operating in ease.

From my perspective, with Craniosacral Therapy, the primary focus is keeping the Nervous System healthy, and by doing this- we are also encouraging everything in the body to relate more efficiently and with proper functioning. When we feel good with our internal links, our external links and relationships feel better too.

Sharon Hartnett LMT, CST, SI

Advanced Certified Craniosacral Therapist

740 966-5153

Columbus, Ohio

(Most people have a basic understanding of the brain, but for a good resource to find out more about the Peripheral Nervous System, check out:

Peripheral Nervous System Disorders

Through the Mayo Clinic link)


What is a Stillpoint?

What is a Stillpoint?

The Benefits of a Stillpoint

As taught by the Upledger Institute,  the Craniosacral System is a semi-closed hydraulic system that is held within the membrane of the Dura, which contains the brain and the spinal cord.   The functioning aspect of this system that contributes to human life is the circulation and reabsorption of the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF).

When a Craniosacral Therapist is working with clients, we are listening to the continuous rise and fall of this fluid rhythm by its subtly felt expansion and contraction throughout the whole body.   We pay attention to the ways the bones and membrane dance with the CSF through symmetry, quality, amplitude and rate.  The intention is to use our listening and help the body to self-balance through gentle melding by touch.

Stillpoint in Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy

When Craniosacral Therapists use the term, “Stillpoint” what we are expressing is the gradual stopping of the system through a gentle manual technique.  In particular, one way that is often used is the CV4 by using cupped hands to bring the occiput and surrounding tissues into a therapeutic stop.  The Craniosacral Therapist induces the Stillpoint by creating a barrier at the end of either the flexion or extension movement.  As the fluid quiets down, pressure is built back up, and when the tissues are released, a gentle cleansing flow can move through the body, releasing restrictions and adhesions.  This is very healthy for the Central Nervous System. Stillpoint can be applied anywhere on the body for positive therapeutic results.

For clients who have experienced Stillpoint, many have stated that they felt much less stressed, and some have had the experience of feeling a re-organizing type of sensation in their bodies.   Headaches can disappear, aches and pain go away .  Stillpoint is a wonderful technique that can have profound life effects.  The Upledger Institute sells Stillpoint Inducers that can be used everyday from about 30 seconds to 10 minutes to create more freedom and flexibility in the body.  Yet the experienced hands of a Craniosacral Therapist can take you to la la land.

If you would like to learn more about Craniosacral Therapy in the Columbus, Ohio area,  call Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792



Recharge with Craniosacral Therapy

Recharge with Craniosacral Therapy

In order to best help my clients to recharge, I ask them to get involved in their Craniosacral sessions by bringing self-awareness to their bodies with mindfulness.

Most people are so busy with their days, they forget to pay attention to their body signals that tell them something is off.  These accumulate until one day pain cries out “OUCH”.  Something hurts.

By bringing clients into the process each session and giving them stretches and exercises, people can be empowered to shift body patterns and habits to reduce pain.  Craniosacral Therapy, Structural Integration and different types of massage can be wonderful when experienced occasionally, but giving yourself the gift of learning to listen to your mind, body and spirit connection can bring long lasting change verses an hour of feeling good.

Working with the body in an intuitive gentle manner,  Craniosacral Therapy helps clients to balance and find deeper grounding.  Often I find clients falling asleep because of the need for rest, only to wake up feeling refreshed and more keenly aware of their center and relationships.  For clients who stay awake,  often feelings and sensations are  processed in a way that leaves them feeling more free and clear in their thinking and feeling.  I like to think of Craniosacral Therapy with my clients as a supportive method of facilitating self-correction with the wisdom of the body.  Systems that are overly reved up quiet down.  Clients who feel stuck mostly let go of their burdens and restrictions.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapist Sharon Hartnett

If you are looking to recharge and feel more alive in your life, Craniosacral Therapy may be the tool to help open you up!  The first thing you can do is make a commitment to waking up to your health and wellness.

Loving Craniosacral Therapy.  Clients love the positive results they experience with this work.

Sharon Hartnett CST, LMT, SI    740 966-5153


When Not to Get a Massage:Contraindications

When Not to Get a Massage:Contraindications

Usually I write about all the Great REASONS why Massage can benefit you.

Lighten Up Therapies:  Massage Columbus Ohio      740 966-5153


Massage Therapy

Today,  I am going down the other lane to explain that there are some contraindications that are useful to know regarding massage, especially if you have any type of cardiovascular disease.  While Massage Therapy is great to add into almost any healing protocol, the AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association)  recommends talking with a physician first before any type of treatment with the following conditions:

  1. Heart Failure
  2. Recent Heart Surgery
  3. Thromobosis
  4. Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  5. Peripheral artery disease
  6. Severe atherosclerosis

But don’t be afraid to ask your doctor- because in most cases, massage has been known to be quite helpful after surgery, especially in lowering stress, pain reduction and anxiety.

Other contraindications to be aware of are:

  1. Fever
  2. Infections
  3. Broken bones
  4. Heavy bruising
  5. Herniation
  6. Tumors
  7. Bleeding disorders

In some cases,  I like to recommend Craniosacral Therapy as taught by the Upledger Institute, because of its more gentle approach.  These conditions might to better with light touch:

  1. Osteoporoasis
  2. Arthritis
  3. Rheumatism
  4. New scar tissue
  5. Arteriosclerosis
  6. Some autoimmune diseases
  7. Infectious disease
  8. Varicose veins
  9. Diabetes

Remember, there are different types of massage, and if you ask the right questions and have some knowledge about contraindications- you will have the knowledge to find the best work for you.   But play it safe and contacted your doctor in advance if you have any concerns.

Sharon Hartnett LMT

740 966-5153

Massage Columbus Ohio





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