How to Move Effortlessly Through Life

How to Move Effortlessly Through Life


Grounding:  Move Effortlessly with Grace

Move Effortlessly. It’s easy to escape the moment. To not be fully present. The mind easily wanders into the past with regrets and guilt. Undoubtably it moves forward with worry and anticipation as well. This is to be human.

However, what if there is a way to engage with life more deeply and fully?

I was reading FB today and came across a beautiful post about grounding.  I feel it’s so important to connect to the earth.  She supports us and nourishes us continuously.  We are made of the earth, and she lives within all that we are.  So I am including this writing by “Lowen”  to share here.  Let go of your burdens my friends…  Discover Your Human Body.

Lowen is credited with coining the word “grounding” in the physiological and psychological sense and emphasizing it’s importance in human development. I believe it has now become a term widely understood (if not precisely understood) in the broader pop culture.

“Once he is grounded, a person no longer holds himself up but allows the ground to support him. By coming down to earth, he finds that his blood pressure also drops. But effecting that kind of change requires a commitment to the body and to a way of life that respects the body and it’s needs.


Unfortunately, our culture is moving away from the body as the source of feeling and spirituality. Our fitness programs are not designed to enhance the sensitivity of the body but to hone it as if it were a machine. In so doing, they produce people who are fit only to run the race of life. I suppose that if reaching the top is one’s goal in life, our modern-day fitness programs may help. But if one’s goal is to experience the joy of being fully alive, the excitement of feeling part of this pulsating universe, and the deep satisfaction of being a person who is both graceful and gracious, one must turn elsewhere.

When I was a young man, being “earthy” was regarded as a virtue. I never hear anyone descibed that way anymore. Has the quality of having one’s feet on the ground lost its meaning? I believe it has. The modern individual is more properly described as “flying high and fast”. It is hard to slow down when the world is racing by. It is difficult to be grounded when the culture itself is ungrounded, when it denies reality and promotes an illusion that success represents a higher state of being and successful people live richer and more fulfilling lives. All the same, the real values of life are “earthy” values: health, gracefulness, connectedness, pleasure and love. But these values have meaning only if one’s feet are planted firmly on the ground.”


– Alexander Lowen from The Spirituality of the Body

To Move Effortlessly is freedom and Joy

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792



Introducing You to Craniosacral Therapy

Introducing You to Craniosacral Therapy

Anyone with an open mind can enjoy the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy.

At the very core of Craniosacral Therapy, there is an Inner Wisdom Within each individual. This is where the faith comes in with this manual therapy.Trusting that the body has its own intelligence. A craniosacral therapist listens, follows, and melds with the Craniosacral System to help mirror, nourish and acknowledge the power that is held in each of us.

The Brain and the Spine are part of the information highway of the nervous system withing each of us.When a therapist blends and supports the Inner Wisdom though blending with the fluids, magical things happen.  They really do. Not in an abstract way only, although that can certainly be the case. But also in a very science based methology. Craniosacral Therapy restores and benefits by enhancing the quality of the rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Cranioacral Therapy is gentle yet powerful work. It enhances wellbeing and brings strength to the whole body by enlivening the tissues and waking up new awareness within the body’s communication network.  New messages are born. New information changes.

The thing is, a person must be open minded.  They need to think outside the box of traditional medicine. Imagine, a 1:1 relationship where full attention is on your deepest body intelligence. What amazing things could your body do when it is acknowledged and empowered?  It’s enough that it works as it does miracoulously every day. But boosting its efficiency, and optimizing its health frees one to deeper wells of inner resources.

If you want to find out more about Craniosacral Therapy, check out the Upledger Institute.  Dr. John Upledger has gifted the world with this beautiful and powerful manual therapy.  Learn more about how it can help you.

May the fluid flow peacefully Within You!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


How to Love Your Body No matter How it Looks

Love Your Body, Mind and Spirit

Here are some tips for Shifting your Mindset about your body.  It takes time to Learn to Love Your Body.

  • Every morning before you get out of bed, bring mindfulness to your body and sense into it.  Forget any preconceived ideas that you have believed. Living in these bodies are pretty miraculous. The good news is that we have plenty of fresh new starts. 
  • When you get out of bed, feel into the Ok-ishness of your body.  This is the beginning of practicing self-acceptance.  Any perfection thoughts need to be put on the shelf!
  • Be mindful about how you speak about your body. You can change the patterning of your thinking.  Drive in a new lane.  The Love Your Body Lane. Eventually your belief system changes when you drop the old thoughts.
  • Every person deserves to feel love.  And we are all different and unique in how we are configured.  Realize that norms are group beliefs. It really says nothing about you.  The more you move inward, you self-realized your essence.  Imagine what it would be like if we all could appreciate the different skins in which we live.
  • Question your thoughts.  Byron Kate,has great free worksheet for this in the website The Work 
  • Receiving bodywork can bring a whole new awareness to you body.In our society, so much emphasis is placed on what is going on inside of our heads.  However, we are whole people, body, mind and spirit. For example, Craniosacral Therapy is great for helping you to embody.
  • Meditation is a great way to open your mind about your body.  It gives you a sense of understanding through neutral listening and understanding.  It also opens up the path to compassion.
  • Exercise.  Find movement that is comfortable and fun. Even basic walking can make you feel better.
  • Choose foods that are healthy.  Maybe start a garden for herbs or fruits and vegetables.  We feel good when we partake in the organic processes which sustanin us.

When you are alone, take off the clothes and get comfortable in your skin.  Turn off your computers/phones/ and TVs.  Relax and Breathe.  Know Yourself!

Our culture makes it hard sometimes for people to accept and love your body.  Yet, we have many choice points to make up our own minds about how we related internally.  You are the Captain of Your Own Ship.  Sail the seas of Self-Love.  Learn to be Ok with who you are- body, feelings, thoughts and all.   

It’s not always each, but choosing change is a great intention.

With gratitude-

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792


How the Watery Liquid in Your Brains Works in Simple Terms

How the Watery Liquid in Your Brains Works in Simple Terms

Watery Fluid

The Watery Cerebrospinal Fluid Inside of You

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) , a watery substance produced in the ventricles of the brain, plays a crucial role in the nervous system by providing protection and support to the brain and spinal cord.

The CSF circulates around the central nervous system, acting as a cushion to absorb any impact or shock. CSF also helps to remove waste products from the brain and regulate the chemical environment of the nervous system. Additionally, it assists in the distribution of nutrients and hormones to the brain and spinal cord. The constant flow of CSF helps to maintain the overall health and functioning of the nervous system, ensuring that the brain and spinal cord are well-protected and able to carry out their important functions.

A Craniosacral Therapist Works by listening and melding with the flowing watery CSF through the Craniosacral System.  By tuning into the rhythm, we can tell if and where there is restrictive flow.  The healing that arises- comes from Within You.  Our hands and techniques support the Craniosacral System to self-correct for optimal functioning.  The inner intelligence does the rest.

This could sound esoteric.  But truly it is not.  It is a physiological process that brings balance, nourishment and peace to the mind and body quite often. While it’s not easy to measure the benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in numbers.  Experientially, the  Central Nervous relaxes and calms when needed as it is addressed.  On the other side of the coin, a sluggish system will often pick up and become more energetic.

This Watery Liquid which is born from the subarchoid space in the ventricles occupies and flows through the central spinal canal as well as the brain.  It nourishes the Central Nervous System.  Craniosacral Therapy promotes relaxation, reduces pain,  and enhances overall wellbeing.  The natural healing abilities within you are powerful and intellgent indeed!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High Worthington, Ohio 43085

Remind Me How to Heal From a Concussion

Remind Me How to Heal From a Concussion

    Concussion Relief

Today I am sharing about my own experience with a concussion.  About 10 years ago, I fell badly, and landed on the left side of my head and body. Immediately an ambulance was called, and I went to the “Emergency” room at the hospital.

They checked me out. Sent me home.  Problem was I was NOT ok.  The concussion symptoms creeped in later. For about a month, I laid in bed.  Not able to watch TV, read, go out into the light.  I felt light headed and my mind wasn’t clear.  The FOG.  For those of you who have experienced the same thing, you know what I mean.  There is nothing to do but just wait it out.

Eventually my health improved.  Enough so that I flew down to the Upledger Institute to receive treatment.  The Therapist was good, but honestly- I felt little difference.  When the brain gets jostled around it takes time to heal, and many Craniosacral Sessions to just find balance again.   Now, for each person this is a unique path.  We must each find the right dose of the best remedies for ourselves. So I don’t want to lie here and say there is a magic pill.  It’s a journey.  Craniosacral Therapy helped me tremendously over the years.

However, I did find top notch Craniosacral Therapists across the States, and I committed to my health and wellbeing.Finally,  the headaches slipped away, and slowly but surely I did get better.  Also,because I am an advanced Craniosacral Therapist, I practiced the technques on myself almost daily.  Admittedly this was a challenging trauma, and I have never come back to 100 percent.  However, I do feel much better.  My life goes on and nobody would even realized that I am still on the mend all these years later. But hey, life is good and I bow down deep in gratitude to Dr. John Upledger’s Work.

Now,  I suppose because I have gone through so much with my concussion and brain injury, I have become specialized in helping and supporting those with similar issues.  Sometimes our greatest wounds or hurts make us super detailed and well tuned in to the gift of helping others to heal similar patterns.

So many people have not heard about Craniosacral Therapy, but it is what has helped me the most.  That and fish oils and other supplement.  My re-dedication to the Upledger work was based on the relief I found from the original concussion sypmtoms.  I have been a Craniosacral Therapist since 2003, but now this work is my life passion.

If you are suffering from a concussion or a traumatic brain injury, check out the Upledger site.  Find someone near you to join you on the path to recovery.   When a Craniosacral Therapist works with you, they are listening to your Inner Physician (IP).  The IP takes the new information in and allows the deeper intelligence to heal you.  The therapist is the reminder that possibilities do exist to bring you back to Wholeness.


Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

A Brand New Way of Thinking about Your Health

A Brand New Way of Thinking about Your Health

Proactive Health

Life Style is a Choice.  But it’s not always an easy choice. Most people are working so many hours that they feel stressed.  They don’t spend enough time outside, having fun, or exercising because they are tired.  In relationship to food,  much of our maketing is aimed at pushing us to make unhealthy choices.  For example, we hear eat vegetables and lean meat, but the grocery stores are filled with sodas and processed food with who knows what is inside.  We hear it’s important to make friends for healthy relationships.  What if you are an introverted person?  Or facing mental and emotional challenges and there are no resources available?  Our choices may seem to have limited answers.

As a Craniosacral Therapist and Healer for about 30 years, I have worked with many people.  I listen.  Often people blame themselves for ending up not feeling well.  I have noticed this with women in particular. But honestly the society we live in  contributes to making the choosing confusing.  So many mixed up messages. 

I believe it’s important to first acknowledge where you are right now in your health journey.  Accept yourself as you are with some compassion by going to your heart. Next, take some time to consider the changes you want to make.  Being with your own Truth is a Powerful Beginning. Self Awareness helps us to make proactive choices in our own best interests.

The next and most important key in my opinion is to get to know yourself.  We are complex human beings. We have conscious thoughts and we also have patterns steeped in shadow.  It’s important to take the time to get a sense of your own sense of power and core abilitites.  That’s where you can start to make internal changes which are long-lasting.

Set your intention for proactive and positive health.  Once this is clear. take action:

1.  Set up health goals

2.  Meditate to awaken self awareness 

3.  Choose someone to help you find deeper clarity and a health sense of Self.  

4.  Become friendly with your own body.

5.  Find healthy activities which you enjoy, and do them!  Start small but stop make excuses.

6.  Prioritize your health because nobody else can do it better than you!

7.  Reach in to find your deeper resources, and then reach out to connect with others in your own comfort zone.

It’s best to be proactive about your health.  Also, it’s never too late. Ultimately only you can make the choices to return you back to your center and healthy embodiment.  

Breathe and be the best you can be.  That is enough!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D

703 509-1792

6797 N. High #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085









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