What is Craniosacral Massage?
What is Craniosacral Massage? Many people call me asking for Craniosacral Massage. The first thing I do is listen to why a person wants to come in. People speak about their health issues, and often state that they have heard about Craniosacral Massage. Yet they don't...
How To Find Relief from Clenching
Clenching: You Deserve to Feel Better!Is it possible to stop Clenching? Bruxism is the name of the condition when you grind or are clenching your teeth. Up to about 30 % of people do this. Some people are aware that they clench. And others not. Clenching often...
Simply Explain the Purpose of Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy The cranium is the skull encasing the brain. Sacral refers to the triangular bone that is at the bottom of the back. Encapsulated within the vertebral column is the dura, deeper within- the arachnoid, and then the pia which surrounds the spine. As...
Neck and Back Pain Specialist Found!
Releasing Neck and Back Pain Pain along the spine can arise from many different reasons. Some of these triggers can be serious and some can be helped tremendously with manual therapy. If you are experiencing, for example, problems with your bladder, infection,...
Ease Into Grace with Mindful Connection: Being in the Heart
Grace Working today, I thought about how there are so many people who are suffering who could use some Grace. Some people find help and relief. However, some don't know how to find and connect with the healthy resources they need in order to get well. Perhaps they...
Back Pain Relief: Feel Better in Your Body
Back Pain Have you ever had a massage, then gotten up off the table and still had back pain? That's because it's often the case that the front absominal area needs to be addressed too. The soft belly in the front! Massage is focused on muscles. Yet- let's not forget...
Healing: The Most Powerful Force Is Found in Nature
Healing Arises From a Place Deeper Than the Physical Body. Healing. When we walk outside on a beautiful day, it's easy to feel the harmony of life in nature. There is a flow, an order, and also innate structure which allows life to happen. There exists a summation...
Easy Problem Solving In the Moment
Problem Solving is an Intention. Every day problems arise. They can all add up and feel totally overwhelming. Low grade stress can actually help. Especially when we have a lot on our plates. It helps us to become motivated to "Do". Our body takes us into first...
Make Your Life Easier by Slowing Down
So much of what we do seems important. It all stacks up. But slowing down and taking one thing at time is a great tool to get things done even more efficiently. We think more clearly when we give space and quiet to our minds. Enjoy Your Life There is no...
Experience Personalized Craniosacral Sessions:Unlock Your Bodies Potential to Heal
What Happens in Craniosacral Sessions? First of All, I'd like to say that Craniosacral Therapy is not Massage. Although, there are many massage therapists who get interested in this type of manual therapy because it is so valuable in helping people to move back into...