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Latest Insights on Craniosacral Therapy

How To Grow In An Overwhelming World

How to Grow as a Sensitive Person Blossom and Grow. Recently, I picked up the book, "The Highly Sensitive Person and have been recommending it to quite a few of my clients. One niche that I seem to be able to support well are people who benefit from Craniosacral...

When Nature & Nurture Shape Opportunities

Nature & Nurture Awaken the Inner Intelligence Within Let's talk about Nature & Nurture. From a Craniosacral Therapy Perspective, an experienced Craniosacral Therapist knows that each individual has a working Inner Intelligence Living Within. This  Inner...

Choose to Love Change

You Can Change Your World Are you willing to Change? In today's world there seems to be a deep division.One of trying to go back and holding onto something from the past. Or perhaps a fear about a "different"  future. On the other side of the split,  people embrace...

How to Move Effortlessly Through Life

Grounding:  Move Effortlessly with Grace Move Effortlessly. It's easy to escape the moment. To not be fully present. The mind easily wanders into the past with regrets and guilt. Undoubtably it moves forward with worry and anticipation as well. This is to be human....

How to Understand Yourself Better

Do I Understand Me? I think it's an ongoing process to understand ourselves. We are so pre-conditioned. As children, we are taught values and personal morals. We identify who we are quite often by how others see us and define us. This begins with the mirroring of our...

How to Create a Healthy Space for Noise Overwhelm

Are you Feeling the Overwhelm of Loud Noises in Social Situations? Have you heard of the term "neurodivergent"?  For people who feel as if they think and feel differently, I think it's a good topic to explore for self-understanding. The differences of neurodivergent...

Flourishing in an Imperfect World: Craniosacral therapy

Flourishing In This World Flourishing is what I want for my clients.  Not just feeling OK. But living a quality life with all its ups and downs. Nothing in life is Perfect, but we can learn to navigate and pass through life with joy and connection. While "flourishing"...

Benefits of the Undefended Heart

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Winning Life By Choosing Love

Love Is... Love means something different to each of us. Our understanding of love changes from moment to moment.  What does it mean to You? One thing is true. Love is free. Nothing can contain it. Yet, often there are demands or attempts to take it. To control love....

How to Find Relief for Concussion Symptoms

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Healing through Gentle Touch

Healing through Gentle Touch

Why Craniosacral Therapy Works
I could get into the whole Craniosacral System (CS), but that may or may not bore you. Not all people are physiological geeks like I am. But I will say, that by Listening well to this CS rhythmic motion that has a deep inter-relationship with the Nervous system, an experienced therapist can help you way more than you ever imagined.
Just today, I had two clients with so much pain. Unlike massage therapy (which I also do appreciate) I didn’t have to go after muscles or do anything heavy handed. Believe me too when I say many people (who are in pain) who call thinking I do massage, ask for very Deep Massage. I used to ask for and do the same thing with Structural Integration too until I learned better. I stopped doing that because, for me, I found a better way. I am not interested in a strong handed approach. I know there is a way to let go of dysfunctional patterns and to help the body integrate longer term without forcing anything.
Some Massage Therapists are excellent at learning to layer, and to help the body to release myofascially. I have my favorite people who are awesome with this. Full of gratitude for their work. However, from my most profound experience, often the best work is done by listening to the CS rhythm and allowing both the fascia and the CSR to lead to long-term change. Why? Because when gentle hands-on listening follows the body’s own inherent self-correcting direction, there is no need for the body to fight aggressive hands massaging. It focuses on the the fascial system that holds everything together, promoting health and motion. No need for defending when the pain feels to raw or too much. The fascia and CS start to unravel old patterns that are no longer needed organically. No more sessions needed feeling very sore and overstimulated.
Just today, my first client seemed astounded how great she felt after the session. Not really my doing, but my support helped. Her body’s ability to relax and let go when reminded how to did the trick! I reminded her, this is the way you feel when you are not holding tension. This is more the real you, interconnected within yourself with fluidity and healthy structure.
My second client was surprised that her arm pain disappeared when It may not have felt like a lot was happening during the session. Although, I could tell she was deeply relaxed:) Pain does not necessarily go away by forcing one to feel pain that is not ready to let go. Pain may show up even in a gentle session, but only because it feels supported enough to slip away. I wonder sometimes if we want to feel our pain pushed because it’s all we know? But I am here to say there is a new way. Also, sometimes what feels like arthritic pain, is actually fascial restriction. This can change and it can heal. Gentle nourishment may be what is needed for neck and back pain to disappear.
Yes, there is still more to align most of the time, and old patterns need to shift cause life happens, but when someone has vitality and it is tapped into with the CSS, it’s amazing how much a body can heal. We can change our posture, and make choices which help us. Sometimes it takes a long time, but each session brings a new awareness of the “essential self” and that does know how to live in ease. Trusting your own body’s “knowing” is so important. Listening to it and allowing others to listen to it with supportive touch shifts the world inside.
So next time, you are thinking you want deep massage that hurts, ask yourself if you really need that? Or might it be better to learn to live with more gentle interactions that show the body what peace feels like.
Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

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How to Find Help forVertigo

How to Find Help forVertigo

From a manual approach, Vertigo can be helped if it is stemming from a structural issue. I have had clients come in with this issue, and when It began after a physical accident, we have had much success.

Recently, with one client, we figured out that most likely it originated with a childhood accident, and then the heavy lifting consistently at the job also contributed to dizziness. I don’t diagnose, but this is the story the client shared as the pieces came together during our time together.

What I felt during my listening palpation was that there was a lot of motion from side to side, mostly in the neck, but also in the head, and down in the body. One Side of the body was much more muscled than the other. The lateral motion was occurring from the brain all the ways down.

Easy session. All we had to do was find the primary areas to work and to help the body self-correct and self-regulate. The key issue here was in the hyoid bone. Once that released, the whole body began to open up. But its also important that a therapist knows how to work the rest of the anterior neck and the thoracic area as well. I used Craniosacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation techniques to help toward resolution.

It’s not always the case that CST will help with Vertigo. But sometimes it is. A good question to always ask, is. “when did the symptoms begin”. If there is a correlation, it may be structural indeed! I also recommend people see a Vestibular Therapist too who has lots of experience, if the challenges come from somewhere else.
Putting a thumbs up for helping people with this uncomfortable condition. Vertigo is not fun.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
703 509-1792

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Sooth your Anxiety: Feel Good in Your Skin

Sooth your Anxiety: Feel Good in Your Skin

Are you having a difficult time relaxing?

Have you tried everything but your body still feels tense? Craniosacral Therapy may be the ticket for you. When your brain is wired certain triggers can set you off. Stress, when it builds up, or we become oversensitive or overwhelmed easily takes a toll.

Craniosacral Therapy uses gentle touch, and can be quite powerful in helping to reduce anxiety. With the right Craniosacral Therapist, you will remember what it is like to feel healthy boundaries, respect, and actually sense calm again.

As your brain and body start to remember, you can rebuild your sense of confidence and peace. isn’t that worth getting in touch with again.

For more information, call Sharon Hartnett CST-D who is a Diplomate Certified Craniosacral Therapist through the Upledger Institute.

Locations in both Johnstown (right outside of New Albany), and Worthington Ohio


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Address: 6769 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

Phone: 703-509-1792

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