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Latest Insights on Craniosacral Therapy

How To Grow In An Overwhelming World

How to Grow as a Sensitive Person Blossom and Grow. Recently, I picked up the book, "The Highly Sensitive Person and have been recommending it to quite a few of my clients. One niche that I seem to be able to support well are people who benefit from Craniosacral...

When Nature & Nurture Shape Opportunities

Nature & Nurture Awaken the Inner Intelligence Within Let's talk about Nature & Nurture. From a Craniosacral Therapy Perspective, an experienced Craniosacral Therapist knows that each individual has a working Inner Intelligence Living Within. This  Inner...

Choose to Love Change

You Can Change Your World Are you willing to Change? In today's world there seems to be a deep division.One of trying to go back and holding onto something from the past. Or perhaps a fear about a "different"  future. On the other side of the split,  people embrace...

How to Move Effortlessly Through Life

Grounding:  Move Effortlessly with Grace Move Effortlessly. It's easy to escape the moment. To not be fully present. The mind easily wanders into the past with regrets and guilt. Undoubtably it moves forward with worry and anticipation as well. This is to be human....

How to Understand Yourself Better

Do I Understand Me? I think it's an ongoing process to understand ourselves. We are so pre-conditioned. As children, we are taught values and personal morals. We identify who we are quite often by how others see us and define us. This begins with the mirroring of our...

How to Create a Healthy Space for Noise Overwhelm

Are you Feeling the Overwhelm of Loud Noises in Social Situations? Have you heard of the term "neurodivergent"?  For people who feel as if they think and feel differently, I think it's a good topic to explore for self-understanding. The differences of neurodivergent...

Flourishing in an Imperfect World: Craniosacral therapy

Flourishing In This World Flourishing is what I want for my clients.  Not just feeling OK. But living a quality life with all its ups and downs. Nothing in life is Perfect, but we can learn to navigate and pass through life with joy and connection. While "flourishing"...

Benefits of the Undefended Heart

Knowing Love in an Undefended Heart How many people feel comfortable living deeply embedded in the love of their own hearts?  I am not talking about the intense passionate feeling we have for a partner.  Instead I am talking about an embodied sense of being True to...

Winning Life By Choosing Love

Love Is... Love means something different to each of us. Our understanding of love changes from moment to moment.  What does it mean to You? One thing is true. Love is free. Nothing can contain it. Yet, often there are demands or attempts to take it. To control love....

How to Find Relief for Concussion Symptoms

 Common Concussion Symptoms Concussion symptoms are serious business.  A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury. Any strike to the head should not be ignored. Especially if you find yourself being forgetful, sensitive to light, dizzy,experiencing blurry vision,...
Craniosacral Near Me

Craniosacral Near Me

Craniosacral Near Me Are you looking for a Craniosacral Therapist with a lot of experience and who is Certified at the Highest Level through the Upledger Institute? Then you have come to the right spot. I have been in this business for close to 30 years.  It's one of...

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Your Voice

Your Voice

Sometimes in life, young people are not given the opportunity to speak or to feel deeply. They grow up staying silent, and allowing life to pass by. In fact, as time goes by their authentic voice drops deep into the shadows, well forgetten-non- existent.

This can feel like torture. We are all given gifts to bring into the world. And if pain is showing up in your life and you-it’s time to move to Self-Care. And how you do that is by being kind to yourself and asking for help. Especially if you don’t have the answers.

Find someone who will support you. Who will mirror your core qualities. Never settle for less than that. Take the time to sort through your thoughts and emotions. Feel into your body and question how to reconnect what your body is holding onto and what is true in the moment pleasure.

When you discover who you are, you will finally shine. You will Speak Your Voice and feel confident. Maybe for the first time.

You are a Masterpiece ready to happen. Never Forget that.

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
740 966-5153

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5 Ways to Smile

5 Ways to Smile

Sometimes, life can get you down. Things don’t go your way. Your dreams fall apart.

When this happen, it’s easy to falls down the spiral. Almost familiar. Yet, our true power comes from lifting ourselves up out the dark and comfortable.

Feeling Good Power can take root again. It is found by choosing Joy and excitement again. Here are 5 ways to help you smile and change your life for the better:

1. Get Outside. Nature if very healing. Allow the sun to warm your brow. Let it energize you. Feel the breeze on your skin, or a cold snap wake you up on a gray chilling day. Pleasure is found everywhere when you open your mind to the outside world.

2. Gratitude- Acknowledge your challenges or your “failures” but don’t put much more energy on that once it is done. Refocus on what you have learned from your mistakes and make better choices moving forward. Find thanks for all the little things in the past opportunities that have reminded you of your own unique brilliance and genius. There is always something good in everything.

3. Be kind to others and yourself. It feels good to be in service and to uplift others. But just as important- meet your own needs in a kind way. Remind yourself to listen to your Higher Self Guidance, and let go of your doubt. Acknowledge your fears-and move right through them with compassion. Treat yourself to things that bring you authentic joy and a smile on your face. Practicing smiling wakes up the Inner Kindness.

4. Reach out to others. Often people who are depressed feel alone. There are billions of people on this planet. Make contact and put yourself out there again.

5. Follow your passion. It’s easy to believe less about ourselves than to see the wonderful qualities that make up our core. Ask others to reflect back our strengths and learn to accept praise. Take critical feedback as someone else’s view, but something you can work on or not to move forward.

We all deserve to smile. Joy is always here. May you find your smile today and share it with life!

Sharon Hartnett CST-D
740 966-5153

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Address: 6769 N. High St. #333 Worthington, Ohio 43085

Phone: 703-509-1792

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